美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版


Chapter 1: Course Introduction 1.1 Quiz

1、 In van Gogh’s The Night Cafe, he tried to express the terrible sinful passions of humanity by rendering reds and greens in the painting. This suggests ___. 

A:The content is the basis of subject.
B:The content is expressed by subject.
C:The subject is the most basis of the three components of visual arts.
D:The content is expressed by form.
答案: The content is expressed by form.

2、 Kandinsky’s Movement 1 tells us when we are appreciating an abstract artwork, a better )understanding of ___ can reinforce a better understanding of the content. 

B: form  
答案:  form  

3、 The subject of an artwork is what is depicted in this work, it can be ____.

A:a person
B:an object
C:a theme  
D:an idea. 
答案: a person;
an object;
a theme  ;
an idea. 

4、 Which of the following statement is true according to this part?

A:The content is why it‘s depicted in this way, refers to the artist’s intention, communication or the meaning behind the work.
B:The content of an artwork is the emotional or intellectual message developed by the artist and interpreted by the viewer. 
C:The content of an artwork can be a statement, an expression or mood. 
D:The viewer decodes the artist’s message by observing the subject and form. 
答案: The content is why it‘s depicted in this way, refers to the artist’s intention, communication or the meaning behind the work.;
The content of an artwork is the emotional or intellectual message developed by the artist and interpreted by the viewer. ;
The content of an artwork can be a statement, an expression or mood. ;
The viewer decodes the artist’s message by observing the subject and form. 

5、 The ceramics work Anne’s Jacket is presented in a very representative way,  because it looks so much like a leather jacket that you can even feel the texture of the leather.

答案: 正确
分析:From the script , we know it is a true statement.

6、 Form is the basis of both subject and content.

答案: 正确

7、 Sometimes the viewer’s interpretation to an artwork does not exactly coincide with the artist’s intention, because the viewers’ interpretations are always confined by their diversified feelings and experiences, and this may affect the communication between artist and viewer.

答案: 正确
分析:Script: Ideally the viewer’s interpretation coincides with the artist’s intention. But this is often not the case, as our interpretations are confined by our diversified feelings and experiences and they greatly affect the communication between artist and viewer. But doing a little bit research about the artist will be helpful for a fuller interpretation.

8、 The basic components of an artwork have always been , form and .
答案: subject content
分析:From the script, we know that subject, form and content are the basic components of an artwork.

9、 By form, we refer to the following seven elements, line, , form, value, , colorand space. 
答案: shape texture
分析:Form is the visual organization of the artwork — how the artist has used elements of art, which in most cases include line, shape, form, value, texture, color and space.

10、 The differences in content were created by the differences in___, not the _.
答案: from subject
分析:The differences in content were created by the differences in form, not the subject. The decisions you make regarding form, for example the type of line, shape and form; the selection of value and color; the arrangement of space; the texture created and so on, shape the work’s impact and meaning, i.e. the content.

11、 Kandinsky’s Movement 1 tells us when we are appreciating(欣赏) an abstract artwork, a better understanding of ___ can reinforce(加强) a better understanding of the content. 

B: form  
答案:  form  

12、 Sometimes the viewer’s interpretation(解读,理解) to an artwork does not exactly coincide with(与……相吻合) the artist’s intention(意图), because the viewers’ interpretations are always confined(限制) by their diversified feelings and experiences, and this may affect the communication between artist and viewer.

答案: 正确

Chapter 1: Course Introduction 1.2 Quiz

1、 All of the following except ______ are visual elements of art.

答案: theme

2、 Horizongtal lines suggest ______.

A:turmoil and anxiety
B:comfort and ease
C:height and strength
D:distance and calm
答案: distance and calm

3、 The higher the value is, the ______ it appears.

答案: whiter

4、 The words bumpy,smooth,rough,woven,jagged are used to describe ______.

A:the shapes of objects
B:the texure of a surface
C:the value change
D:the application of color
答案: the texure of a surface

5、 Which of the following are three-dimensional forms?

答案: spheres;

6、 Colors can be used to ______.

A:set a specific mood
B:depict objects
C:symbolize something
D:create shapes
答案: set a specific mood;
depict objects;
symbolize something;
create shapes

7、 Organic shapes are often ______.

C:found in nature
答案: irregular;
found in nature
分析:本题考察形状概念的识别。Organic shapes are often natural and irregular.(organic 有机的,生物的。有机形状常常是来自于自然的,不规则的)

8、 Which of the following are three-dimensional forms?

答案: spheres;
分析:rectangle 长方形,是二维图形,故应排除。

9、 Which of the following techniques can we use to create the illusion of space on a two-dimensional surface?

A:The variation of size.
B:The clarity of objects.
D:Color and value.
答案: The variation of size.;
The clarity of objects.;
Color and value.
分析:ABC所描述的技巧均能在二维平面构建空间感,具体如下:A. Variation of size. 大小的变化。The people that are closer appear larger and those that’re farther appear smaller.B. Clarity of objects. 物体的明晰度。The objects that are closer appear clearer, and the people in the background seem vaguer and less clear. C. Overlapping遮挡。The people that are closer to the viewer prevent the view of people that are behind them.D. Color and value(色彩和明暗)——people that are further away are cooler in color temperature and lighter in value.

10、 Colors can be used to ______.

A:set a specific mood
B:depict objects
C:symbolize something
D:create shapes
答案: set a specific mood;
depict objects;
symbolize something;

create shapes


11、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第1张 The shapes in the picture are______?

答案: abstract;
分析:file:///D:/E盘/课程建设/19年精品课申报/introduction-1 components of art/p11 Movement 1.jpg 本题考察形状概念的识别,该作品是由多个抽象的(abstract)不规则几何图形(geometric)构成的正形(positive)。不是对现实世界的再现(representational).

Chapter 2: Line 2.1 Quiz

1、 Human beings’ earliest artistic journey could date back to about ___.

A:18000 years ago 
B:17000 years ago 
C:12000 years ago 
D:15000 years ago 
答案: 17000 years ago 

2、 Who was Paul Klee?

A:A famous Swiss-German artist. 
B:A famous German-Swiss artist. 
C:A famous Swiss artist.            
D:A famous German artist.
答案: A famous Swiss-German artist. 

3、 Line is considered to be the first and the most essential one of the seven elements of art because ___.

A:it is often the first thing that an artist learn about when they begin to do art
B:it is called the first art langugage
C:when the primitives occasionally made some lines with branches or stones, they began to realize the expression power of lines and began human beings’ earliest artistic journey
D:it is the first one in the list of the seven elements
答案: it is often the first thing that an artist learn about when they begin to do art;
it is called the first art langugage;
when the primitives occasionally made some lines with branches or stones, they began to realize the expression power of lines and began human beings’ earliest artistic journey

4、 According to this part, definitions of lines usually include the following factors: 

答案: point;

5、 Lines can be used  to ___.

A:create a sketchy interpretation
B:express a deep emotion
C:reveal the gesture of an action
D:record actual information
答案: create a sketchy interpretation;
express a deep emotion;
reveal the gesture of an action;
record actual information

6、 Which statement is mentioned when coming to define a line?

A:A line is an identifiable path created by a point moving in space.
B:Lines are continuous marks made on some surface by a moving point. 
C:Line is an element of art defined by a point moving in space.
D:Line is the path of a moving point made by a tool, instrument, or medium as it moves across an area.
答案: A line is an identifiable path created by a point moving in space.;
Lines are continuous marks made on some surface by a moving point. ;
Line is an element of art defined by a point moving in space.;
Line is the path of a moving point made by a tool, instrument, or medium as it moves across an area.

7、 Line is considered to be the first and the most essential one of the seven elements of art. 

答案: 正确
分析:Script: As one of the seven elements of art, line is considered to be the first and the most essential one, because it is often the first thing that an artist learn about when they begin to do art.

8、 In the world of art, lines can not only be two-dimensional, they also can be three-dimensional. 

答案: 正确

9、 Lines come to our lives usually as a ___ definition, which are supposed to be straight and going on forever.  
答案: mathematical
分析:Script: Lines come to our lives usually as a mathematical definition, which are supposed to be straight and going on forever, like what we see on this number axis. But, in the world of art, lines are much more than that.

10、 Paul Klee once said, “A line is a that went for a .” 
答案: dot walk
分析:Script: As what Paul Klee, the famous Swiss-German artist, had ever said, “A line is a dot that went for a walk.”

11、 Paul Klee once said, “A line is a___ that went for a walk.” 
答案: dot
分析:Script: As what Paul Klee, the famous Swiss-German artist, had ever said, “A line is a dot that went for a walk.”

12、 Line is often considered to be the first of the seven elements of art. 

答案: 正确

Chapter 2: Line 2.2 Quiz

1、 Which of the following statement is true according to this part?

A:Horizontal lines suggest height and strength.
B:Vertical lines suggest a feeling of rest and repose.
C:Only horizontal lines can be paralleled .
D:Diagonal lines can go both upward and downward. 
答案: Diagonal lines can go both upward and downward. 

2、 Diagonal lines convey a feeling of movement, and the impression of unstable, that is because ___.

A:objects in a diagonal position seems in motion or about to fall
B:diagonal lines can go in lot of directions
C:diagonal lines are the most important
D:diagonal lines are always not paralleled
答案: objects in a diagonal position seems in motion or about to fall

3、 Different from we tend to use thick fonts in traffic signs or headlines, when we are painting a fragile flower, we usually choose to use ___ lines.

B: thin 
答案:  thin 

4、 Judged from the measure of lines, we have ___.

A:thick lines
B:thin lines
C:short lines
D:long lines
答案: thick lines;
thin lines;
short lines;
long lines

5、 This part deals with the following points ___.

A:the classification of lines
B:the measure of lines
C:implied lines
D:three-dimensional lines
答案: the classification of lines;
the measure of lines;
implied lines;
three-dimensional lines

6、 There are 3 main classifications for line directions, horizontal, vertical and diagonal.

答案: 正确

7、 In the world of art, paralleled lines can be straight lines, wavy lines or even jagged lines. 

答案: 正确

8、 Lines are not only two-dimensional, it can also be three-dimensional.

答案: 正确

9、 For the unstraight lines, we have curved lines, ___ lines, spiral lines, jagged lines and squiggly lines.
答案: wavy
分析:Script: For the unstraight type, we have curved lines, wavy lines, spiral lines, jagged lines and squiggly lines.

10、 Implied lines refer to the lines that are ___ in paintings
答案: invisible
分析:Script: However, when artists choose to subdue or eliminates these lines by using some other elements like color or value to create barriers at the edge of objects, we have implied lines, lines that are invisible in paintings.

11、 Different from the fact that we tend to use thick fonts in traffic signs or headlines, when we are painting a fragile flower, we usually choose to use ___ lines.

B: thin 
答案:  thin 

Chapter 2: Line 2.3 Quiz

1、 Which of the following statement about straight lines is true according to this part? 

A:Long and thick straight lines seem brittle.
B:Thin and short straight lines usually seem stiff and rigid
C:Straight lines are as ornamental as wavy lines. 
D:Straight lines suggest a sense of integrity, resolution and rationality. 
答案: Straight lines suggest a sense of integrity, resolution and rationality. 

2、 The word “ornamental” in this part means ___.

答案: decorative 

3、 What kind of lines are the least ornamental according to William Hogarth? 

A:  curved lines 
B:straight lines
C:waving lines
D:spiral lines
答案: straight lines

4、 Which one of the following books is mentioned in this part?

A:The Story of Art
B:Gardner’s Art through the Ages
C:The Analysis of Beauty
D:Art Fundamentals Theory and Practice
答案: The Analysis of Beauty

5、 Which of the following statement about lines is true according to this part?

A:Freehand lines can express the personal energy and mood of the artist.
B: Mechanical lines can express a rigid control. 
C:Continuous lines can lead the eye in certain directions.
D:Thick lines can express strength. 
答案: Freehand lines can express the personal energy and mood of the artist.;
 Mechanical lines can express a rigid control. ;
Continuous lines can lead the eye in certain directions.;
Thick lines can express strength. 

6、 Since lines bear some basic emotional expressive qualities because of their own physical characteristics, they naturally have the powder to express feelings by themselves.

答案: 错误

7、 The expressive power of lines lies in the way how artists use them. Different artists have different way of making lines and that’s how they develop and express their individual and unique artistic style. 

答案: 正确

8、 William Hogarth was a contemporary American artist who wrote the book The Analysis of Beauty. 

答案: 错误

9、 Lines with different _____ can be described in different ways, dotted, dashed, rough, smooth, zigzag, implied and so on. 
答案: measure

10、 Only when the artists have achieved to use different lines to convey the messages they want to convey, can the ______ expressive qualities of lines be finally manifested. 
答案: emotional

11、 The word “ornamental” means ___.

答案: decorative 

12、 Since lines bear some basic emotional expressive qualities because of their own physical characteristics, they naturally have the power to express feelings by themselves.

答案: 错误

Chapter 2: Line 2.4 Quiz

1、 Which statement is not true according to this part? 

A:Cross contour lines can only be horizontal or vertical.
B:The use of cross contour lines makes an object look three-dimensional
C:Cross contour lines follow the contours of the object.
D:Cross-contours lines follow planes of form, moving around and across objects as well as through them. 
答案: Cross contour lines can only be horizontal or vertical.

2、 Which of the following statement is not true according to this part?

A:Both hatching and cross hatching are linear drawing techniques.
B:Hatching and cross hatching can be used to create texture, value, and the illusion of form and light. 
C:Hatching lines and cross hatching lines are basically the same things.
D:Hatching and cross hatching are often used together.
答案: Hatching lines and cross hatching lines are basically the same things.

3、 Contour lines describe edges or draw the boundary of an object to help distinguish it from its surroundings, so sometimes they are called outlines. 

答案: 正确

4、 Basically, lines can be used in three ways in drawing: to be used as contour lines, hatching lines, and cross-hatching lines.

答案: 正确

5、 Cross-hatching lines cross over each other like a mesh, so they create an interesting variance in tone. 

答案: 正确

6、 Hatching is an artistic technique used to create tonal or shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines. 

答案: 正确

7、 Cross-hatching lines cross over each other like a mesh, so they create an interesting variance in tone. 

答案: 正确

8、 Hatching and cross hatching lines are not used in traditional printmaking techniques such as etching and engraving. 

答案: 错误

9、 Cross contour lines can indicate ___ and form.
答案: shadow

10、 Cross-hatching lines are often used for shading and picking up ___ changes. 
答案: tonal

Chapter 2: Line 2.5 Quiz

1、 Cezanne,Gauguin and Van Gogh are called three masters of _____ in art history.

答案: Post-impressionism   

2、 Which of the following statement is True according to this part?

A:In his short career life of 10 years, Vincent van Gogh created more than nine hundred works altogether.
B:Most of Vincent van Gogh’s best-known works were produced in the final ten years of his life.
C:Vincent van Gogh committed suicide at the age of only 37 in 1819
D:Vincent van Gogh is maybe the artist with the most self-portraits in the world. 
答案: Vincent van Gogh is maybe the artist with the most self-portraits in the world. 

3、 About Vincent van Gogh’s use of lines, which of the following expression is Not True?

A:In these drawings, Van Gogh used energetic lines to create his works, varying the thickness and thinness of lines to create abstracted elements of nature.
B:The line is like a live wire in Van Gogh’s hands, he used lines to build up a background, to define a person’s feature and to describe different objects.
C:The frenetic energy in his lines inhabits the simplest but most expressive drawings and that’s why his drawings are filled with so much energy, design and pathos.
D:In his representative work The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh used a lot of thin and short lines to express the motion of objects he imagined.
答案: In his representative work The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh used a lot of thin and short lines to express the motion of objects he imagined.

4、 In this part ,the phrase swan song means ___.

A:the most beautiful song which has ever sung by a singer
B:a farewell appearance or final act or pronouncement
C:a Nobel Prize Winner
D:a ballet dancer
答案: a farewell appearance or final act or pronouncement

5、 Vincent van Gogh’s artworks include ____.

B:oil paintings     
答案: sketches        ;
oil paintings     ;
watercolors    ;

6、 Which of the followings statement is True?

A:In these drawings, Vincent van Gogh used energetic lines to create abstracted elements of nature.
B:The Starry Night’s oil paintings are characterized by bold colors and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. 
C:In his masterpiece The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh chose to use swirling, tumultuous curved  lines and contrasting blues and yellows to articulate the inner spirituality of nature and his  turbulent state of mind.
D:The Starry Night is a picture Vincent van Gogh painted to record one of the dreams he actually had.
答案: In these drawings, Vincent van Gogh used energetic lines to create abstracted elements of nature.;
The Starry Night’s oil paintings are characterized by bold colors and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art. ;
In his masterpiece The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh chose to use swirling, tumultuous curved  lines and contrasting blues and yellows to articulate the inner spirituality of nature and his  turbulent state of mind.

7、 As a post-impressionist painter, Vincent van Gogh is one of the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art. 

答案: 正确
分析:Script: Vincent van Gogh, a Dutch post-impressionist painter who is among the most famous and influential figures in the history of Western art.

8、 Vincent van Gogh used short straight lines paralleled in thick brushstrokes a lot in his sketches and paintings to express emotions like admiration, solemnity, neatness, anxiety, repression and so on.

答案: 正确
分析:Script: Gogh used short straight lines a lot both in his sketches and paintings. Emotions like admiration, solemnity, neatness, anxiety, repression and so on are expressed by his frequent use of short straight lines paralleled in thick brushstroke.

9、 Van Gogh had very strong ideas about drawing, he regarded drawing as a basic task and it was necessary to master black and white before working with ___. 
答案: colors
分析:Script: Van Gogh had very strong ideas about drawing, he regarded drawing as a basic task and it was necessary to master black and white before working with colors.

10、 Vincent van Gogh’s oil paintings are characterized by bold colors and dramatic, impulsive and expressive ___ that contributed to the foundations of modern art. 
答案: brushwork
分析:Script: Van Gogh created about nine hundred oil paintings. They include landscapes, still lives, portraits and self-portraits, and are characterized by bold colors and dramatic, impulsive and expressive brushwork that contributed to the foundations of modern art.

11、 About Vincent van Gogh’s use of lines, which of the following expression is Not True?

A:In his drawings, Van Gogh used energetic lines to create his works, varying the thickness and thinness of lines to create abstracted elements of nature.
B:The line is like a live wire in Van Gogh’s hands, he used lines to build up a background, to define a person’s feature and to describe different objects.
C:The frenetic energy in his lines inhabits the simplest but most expressive drawings and that’s why his drawings are filled with so much energy, design and pathos.
D:In his representative work The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh used a lot of thin and short lines to express the motion of objects he imagined.
答案: In his representative work The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh used a lot of thin and short lines to express the motion of objects he imagined.

作业Chapter 2: Line Chapter Discussion

1、 What you have learned about Vincent van Gogh‘s use of lines in his artworks from this part?
评分规则:  Two points for each correct statement.

Chapter 3: Shape 3.1 Quiz

1、 A shape has boundaries, which can be either precise or fuzzy.

答案: 正确
分析:根据文本“In other words, a shape is an enclosed space(围合的空间), a bounded two-dimensional (二维)form. (翻译:换句话说,形状是一个围合的空间和有边界的二维形式。)”和“The boundaries can be very sharp and precise as a triangle or be fuzzy(模糊的) as the cloud.(翻译:边界既可以像三角形那样非常清晰精准,也可以像云朵那样模糊。)”可以得出这句话是正确的。

2、  Shapes have already revealed themselves when artists begin work.

答案: 错误
分析:根据文本”As artists begin their work, they frequently have some preliminary vision of shape. He or she may prefer an evolving process in which shapes gradually reveal themselves through experimentation. (大意翻译为:艺术家开始创作时大脑中仅有一些初步的形状,后来形状才慢慢经过试验才完全显漏出真面目。)“知道题目的说法是错误的。

3、  A shape is a three-dimensional enclosed area.

答案: 错误
分析:根据文本”In other words, a shape is an enclosed space(围合的空间), a bounded two-dimensional (二维)form. “知道题目中说形状是三维的说法是错误的。

4、 A shape can be created by moving a dot and connecting it at the beginning.

答案: 正确
分析:根据文本”If you recall, a line is a moving dot(移动的点). If we move the dots and they connect at the beginning, we have shapes. “知道题目的说法是正确的。

5、 Other elements of art can also define a shape’s boundaries such as colors, values and so on.

答案: 正确
分析:根据文本”A shape’s boundaries are defined also by other elements of art such as lines(线条), values(明暗), colors(颜色), and textures(质地). “知道题目的说法是正确的。

6、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第2张 We can recognize geometric shapes such as  __,  and _ in Beasts of the Sea.             
答案: squares rectangles triangles
分析:参考文本”What shapes do you recognize in Beasts of the Sea? … What about geometric shapes like squares(正方形), rectangles(长方形), and triangles(三角形)?”可获知答案。

7、 A shape is an __ space, a bounded ___form.
答案: enclosed two-dimensional
分析:参考文本”In other words, a shape is an enclosed space(围合的空间), a bounded two-dimensional (二维)form. “可获知答案。

8、 With careful placement and treatment, shapes also create various
illusions of ___.
答案: depth and dimensionality
分析:参考文本”With careful placement and treatment, shapes also create various illusions(幻觉,错觉) of depth and dimensionality(维度) and engage the viewer through their expressive nature. “可获知答案。

9、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第3张 In Impression Sunrise by Claude Monet, the shapes’ boundaries can be described as ­­__.
答案: blurred
分析:参考文本”In this painting, Impression Sunrise(“印象日出”), the boundaries between the cloud and the greenery, and that between the greenery and the river are blurred. “可获知答案。

10、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第4张 The shapes in TheBurial of Pierrot, Plate VIII from Jazz, 1947  by Henri Matisse can be said to be _?
答案: abstracted biomorphic
分析:参考文本”Let’s look at another painting by Henri Matisse. His biomorphic(生物形态的) shapes, which are abstracted(抽象) from organic forms, stand out from the background area due to the contrasts(对比) in color and value. “可获知答案。

11、  A shape is a three-dimensional___ area.

答案: enclosed

12、 Which of the following can define a shape’s boundaries?

答案: space

13、 Shapes are formed by moving ______ and  connecting them at the beginning. 

答案: dots

14、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第2张 We can recognize geometric shapes such as  __,  and _ in Beasts of the Sea.             

答案: squares;

Chapter 3: Shape 3.2 Quiz

1、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第6张 Look at this sketch, as we give different values to the shapes, we get __.

A:a triangular pyramid
B:a cube
C:a cylinder
D:an apple
E:a pyramid
答案: a triangular pyramid;
a cube;
a cylinder;
an apple

2、 Collages can be made of various materials like____.

答案: paper    ;

3、 Shapes can only be defined by lines.

答案: 错误
分析:根据文本”At its most basic, a shape is created when a line is enclosed: a line forms the boundary(边界), and the shape is the form circumscribed(限定) by that boundary. “和” Shapes can also be defined by the artist using value(明暗), color(色彩), or texture(肌理) to differentiate them. “可知形状不只可以被线条定义,还能被明暗、色彩等定义,所以此说法是错误的。

4、 Shapes are defined by values in collages.

答案: 错误
分析:根据文本”for example, shapes created with collages(拼贴画) are defined by the edges of contrasting material. “可知拼贴画中形状是被不同材料的边界而不是题目中所提到的values(明暗)定义的,所以此说法是错误的。

5、 Shapes can be created by  various elements such as line, value, color, texture and what is in or around them.

答案: 正确
分析:根据文本”At its most basic, a shape is created when a line is enclosed: a line forms the boundary(边界)…“,”Shapes can also be defined by the artist using value(明暗), color(色彩), or texture(肌理) to differentiate them. “和”However, many times shapes can be defined by what is in or around them. “可知此说法是正确的。

6、 In art, ______ and shape are nearly always used together .
答案: line
分析:参考文本:Line and shape are two elements in art that are nearly always used together.

7、 Shapes can be created using lines: one line can create a __,
three lines can create a 
_, while four lines can produce  a ___.
答案: circle triangle rectangle
分析:参考文本:Three lines are used to create a triangle while four lines can make a rectangle. And one line can create a circle.

8、  Shapes can also be created without lines.  For instance ___ or ___can define a shape too.
答案: value color texture
分析:参考文本:Shapes can also be defined by the artist using value(明暗), color(色彩), or texture(肌理) to differentiate them.

9、  Implies shapes are defined by _________.
答案: what is in or around them
分析:参考文本:However, many times shapes can be defined by what is in or around them.These are referred to as implied shapes(隐含的形状).

10、  Collages can create shapes that are defined by the _____.
答案: edges of contrasting material
分析:参考文本:…shapes created with collages(拼贴画) are defined by the edges of contrasting material.

11、 In art, ______ and shape are nearly always used together .

答案: line

12、 When we use lines to create shapes, one line can create a ______.

A: triangle 
答案: circle 

13、  Collages can create shapes that are defined by the _____.

A:size of shapes
B:different colors
D:edges of contrasting material
答案: edges of contrasting material

14、  Implied shapes are defined by _________.

B:what is in or around them
答案: what is in or around them

Chapter 3: Shape 3.3 Quiz

1、 ______ gives a shape character that distinguish it from others?

A:   The number of lines used to create a shape
B:  Materials used to create a shape
C:  The configuration of a shape’s outer edge
D: Its size
答案:   The configuration of a shape’s outer edge

2、  When the shapes imitate observable phenomena, they may be described as______.

B: Nonobjective
答案: Representational

3、  Geometric shapes have the character of being ______.

B: Rectilinear
C: A combination of being curvilinear and rectilinear
D:All the above
答案: All the above

4、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第7张 Dali (达利)adopted objective or realistic shapes in this painting.

答案: 正确
分析:参考文本:However, when shapes are more imaginary or seem to have been invented by the artist, they are often called subjective, abstract, nonobjective, or non- realistic such as the imaginary clocks in this painting by Dali(达利), a surrealist (超现实主义)painter. 可知这些形状是想象的,而不是现实的。此说法是错误的。

5、 Man created structured and precise shapes to make order from the chaos of the natural world.

答案: 正确
分析:参考文本:Man, in his need to make order from the chaos of the natural world, devised shapes that were structured, precise, and often sharply defined. 此说法是正确的。

6、 We can not find geometric shapes in nature.

答案: 错误
分析:参考文本:Architecture, machinery, and other man-made technologies abound with standardized geometric shapes. However, as man-made as these shapes seem, they do occur in nature as well. (大意是:尽管这些有机形状看起来是人造的,但是它们也存在于大自然中。)由此可知此说法是错误的。

7、  The Big Three of geometric shapes are ___and ___.
答案: circles rectangles triangles
分析:参考文本:Within the geometric shape category, the Big Three(三大基本几何形状) are circles, rectangles and triangles.

8、  Circles can communicate a sense of ______.
答案: completion/ wholeness
分析:参考文本:…circles are often used to convey a sense of completion, wholeness and the eternal…

9、 Triangles signify ______.
答案: directional movement
分析:参考文本:…triangles often signify directional movement.

10、  Rectangles are used frequently in our life such as in our phone, laptop , walls, __and ____.
答案: doors windows
分析:参考文本:Rectangles are bit different. Look around you right now. You are surrounded by rectangles: your phone, laptop, walls, doors, windows. Rectangles are everywhere in human design.

11、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第7张 Dali (达利)adopted___  shapes in this painting.

答案: subjective

12、  The Big Three of geometric shapes are ___and ___.

B: rectangles 
D: triangles
答案:  rectangles ;
circles  ;

Chapter 3: Shape 3.4 Quiz

1、 Organic shapes are  ___.

D:all asymmetrical
答案: freeform

2、  Which of  the statements  is NOT true?

A:Organic shapes are well-defined.
B:Cloud is an example of asymmetrical  organic shapes.
C:Organic shapes are individual creations which have no names or standards.
D:Organic shapes can be found in nature.
答案: Organic shapes are well-defined.

3、  Organic shapes are as well-defined as geometric shapes.

答案: 错误
分析:参考文本:While geometric shapes are well-defined, biomorphic(生物形态的) or organic shapes are just the opposite.几何形状是界限清晰的,而有机形状是相反的。所此说法是错误的。

4、   Organic shapes can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

答案: 正确
分析:参考文本:Two common groups of organic shapes are bilateral(左右对称的) and asymmetrical(左右不对称的).

5、  Symmetrical shapes have more resonance with human beings because our body is also bilaterally symmetrical.

答案: 正确
分析:参考文本:Bilateral organic shapes like a tree or animal resonate with us because the human body is also bilaterally symmetrical.

6、  Asymmetrical shapes look more orderly than bilateral shapes.

答案: 错误
分析:参考文本:Asymmetrical shapes such as a paint splatter (飞溅的油漆)or a cloud may reference nature and so look more disorderly or chaotic. 可知不对称形状是更无序的。此说法是错误的。

7、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第9张 Photographer Edward Weston preferred organic shapes to convey his emotions through his work Pepper No. 30.

答案: 正确
分析:参考文本:Organic shapes are often used by photographers, such as Edward Weston (美国摄影师爱德华·韦斯顿)in his remarkably sensual image Pepper No. 30 (1930)(“青椒30号”).

8、  Bilateral organic shapes like a tree resonate with us because the human body is also bilaterally ______.
答案: symmetrical
分析:参考文本:Bilateral organic shapes like a tree or animal resonate with us because the human body is also bilaterally symmetrical.

9、 ______shapes such as a paint splatter or a cloud may reference nature and so look more disorderly.
答案: Asymmetrical
分析:参考文本:Asymmetrical shapes such as a paint splatter (飞溅的油漆)or a cloud may reference nature and so look more disorderly or chaotic.

10、 Photographer Edward Weston used organic shapes in his remarkably sensual image______.
答案: Pepper No. 30
分析:参考文本:Organic shapes are often used by photographers, such as Edward Weston (美国摄影师爱德华·韦斯顿)in his remarkably sensual image Pepper No. 30 (1930)(“青椒30号”).

11、 While geometric shapes are well-defined,  organic shapes are_____.

A:also clearly defined
答案: freeform

12、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第9张 Photographer Edward Weston preferred ______ shapes to convey his emotions through his work Pepper No. 30.

答案: organic

13、 ______shapes such as a paint splatter or a cloud may reference nature and so look more disorderly.

答案: Asymmetrical

14、 When we start drawing complicated objects, we can break them down to organic shapes first.

答案: 错误

Chapter 3: Shape 3.5 Quiz

1、 The repetition of _shapes can create a sense of harmony in most compositions.

答案: similar

2、  Overstressing harmony may lead to__.

B: anxiety
答案: monotony

3、 The degree of dominance is established by the__.

A: repetition of shapes
B:degree of contrast
C: similarities of shapes
D:degree of similarities
答案: degree of contrast

4、 Because circles and squares are stable in nature, they can also establish ___ and create____.

A: balance, tranquility
B: tranquility, harmony
C:tension, harmony
D: tension, subconscious movement
答案:  tension, subconscious movement

5、   Triangles look more ______ than squares.

D:  balanced
答案: directional

6、 Aaccording to the content, the placement and physical characteristics of shapes can help establish a sense of__.

答案: harmony;

7、  Artists use ___of similar shapes to create a sense of harmony.
答案: repetition
分析:参考文本:The repetition of similar shapes is an easy way to create a sense of harmony in most compositions.

8、   Because  the level of contrast decides the degree of dominance,
the amount of ___ within the shape family helps create the
amount of dominance of each new shape.
答案: change
分析:参考文本: Because the degree of dominance is established by the degree of contrast, the amount of change within the shape family helps establish the amount of dominance of each new shape.

9、  Artists can use shape and the other elements of form, to produce ______.
答案: visual forces
分析:参考文本:Artists can use shape, along with the other elements of form, to generate visual forces(视觉冲击力).

10、 The “dynamic” triangle has ______(more/less) directional force than the “stable”square.
答案: more
分析:参考文本:Compare, for example, the “dynamic” triangle to the “stable” but less directional square. 可知 square(正方形)比triangle(三角形)的方向感更弱一些,所以反过来,三角形方向感更强一些。

Chapter 3: Shape 3.6 Quiz

1、  When starting  drawing, artists will often break their subjects down into _______.

A:organic shapes
B: separate parts
C:symmetrical shapes
D: geometric shapes
答案:  geometric shapes

2、 If we would like to study how artists use shapes in art, a great way is by looking at the work of the ___.

A:Impressionist painters
B:Cubist painters
C:Neoclassic painters
D:Post-Impressionist painters
答案: Cubist painters

3、 Which of the following artists belong to the group of Cubist painters?

A: Pablo Picasso
B:Marcel Duchamp
C:Vincent van Gogh
D:Claude Monet
答案:  Pablo Picasso;
Marcel Duchamp

4、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第11张 Look at the picture of a solid black coffee cup on white paper, the ______ is the positive space. 
答案: black
分析:根据文本”For instance, if you draw a solid black coffee cup on white paper, the black is your positive space. “可知此为正确答案。

5、 The ______ space around it and between the handle and the cup
helps define the basic shape of that cup.(based on picture in question
答案: white negative
分析:根据文本”The white negative space around it and between the handle and the cup helps define the basic shape of that cup. “可知此为正确答案。

6、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第12张 In Sky and Water 1 by a Dutch painter M.C. Escher, dark images of a flying goose evolve into dark ___ .
答案: swimming fish
分析:根据文本”Sky and Water 1 (1938)(“天空和水1“), in which dark images of a flying goose evolve through progressively lighter and then darker steps into dark swimming fish. “可知此为正确答案。

7、 In this picture(as in question 6), birds transit to fish, and vice versa, in the _____.
答案: middle part
分析:根据文本”The middle part of the plane is the part where the transition from birds to fish, and vice versa, takes place.”可知此为正确答案。

8、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第13张 Tang Yau Hoong is a  Malaysian artist and_.
答案: illustrator
分析:根据文本”Malaysian artist and illustrator Tang Yau Hoong(马来西亚插画师) uses negative space to make political commentary on cityscapes.”可知此为正确答案。

9、  In this painting called Falling Lights( as in question 8), the contour of the city buildings is formed by the ___ of the background.
答案: positive space
分析:根据文本”We are looking at two of his large number of paintings called Falling Lights (下落的灯)and So Long Old World (“再见,旧世界”)respectively. In both works, the contour of the city buildings is formed by the positive space of the background. “可知此为正确答案。

10、 A very important use for shapes is that it can help us draw ____.
答案: complicated objects
分析:根据文本”Last, we can use shapes to help us draw complicated objects.”可知此为正确答案。

11、 In this picture(as in question 6), birds transit to fish, and vice versa, in the _____ part .
答案: middle
分析:根据文本”The middle part of the plane is the part where the transition from birds to fish, and vice versa, takes place.”可知此为正确答案。

12、 M.C. Escher(荷兰画家M.C.埃舍尔) who is a Dutch painter, used ____ in  Sky and Water 1 (1938)(“天空和水1“) 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第14张

A:implied shapes 
B:negative and positive spaces
D:geometric shapes
答案: negative and positive spaces

Chapter 4: Color 4.1 Quiz

1、          define colors in terms of pigment (paint, ink) , not light.

A:Subtractive colors
B:Additive colors
C:RGB colors
D:Analogous colors
答案: Subtractive colors

2、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第15张 What kind of colors are highlighted here?

A:Secondary colors
B:Tertiary colors
C:Opposite colors
D:Analogous colors
答案: Tertiary colors

3、          color involves the mixing of colored lights.

答案: Additive

4、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第16张 What kind of colors are highlighted here?  美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第16张

A:Analogous colors
B:Tertiary colors
C:Secondary colors
D:Primary colors
答案: Secondary colors

5、 What is the correct order of colors in the rainbow?

A:Green – Blue – Violet – Indigo – Red – Orange – Yellow
B:Yellow – Green – Blue – Violet – Indigo – Red – Orange
C:Red – Orange – Yellow – Green – Blue – Indigo – Violet
D:Violet – Indigo – Red – Orange – Yellow – Green – Blue
答案: Red – Orange – Yellow – Green – Blue – Indigo – Violet

6、 You get a          color by mixing a primary and a secondary color.

答案: tertiary

7、 Colors that you can see through are called          colors.

答案: transparent

8、 Colors that you cannot see through are called          colors.

答案: opaque

9、 You get a          color by mixing two primary colors.

答案: secondary

10、 Which of these mixtures would create a secondary color?

A:Orange and green.
B:Purple and glue.
C:Green and yellow.
D:Red and yellow.
答案: Red and yellow.

11、 The colors of the rainbow are also known as the         .

答案: spectrum

12、 What kind of colors are presented here? 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第18张

A:Primary colors
B:Secondary colors
C:Tertiary colors
D:Opposite colors
答案: Primary colors

13、 Which of these mixtures would create a tertiary color?

A:Red and yellow
B:Yellow and blue
C:Red and orange
D:Blue and red
答案: Red and orange

14、 Red-orange is         .

A:a neutral color
B:an intermediate color
C:a secondary color
D:a cool color
答案: an intermediate color

15、 The subtractive primaries are         .

A:cyan, blue, and magenta
B:red, yellow, and blue
C:yellow, magenta, and cyan
D:red, green,blue
答案: yellow, magenta, and cyan

16、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第15张 What kind of colors are highlighted here?

A:Secondary colors
B:Tertiary colors
C:Opposite colors
D:Analogous colors
答案: Tertiary colors

17、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第16张 What kind of colors are highlighted here?  美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第16张

A:Analogous colors
B:Tertiary colors
C:Secondary colors
D:Primary colors
答案: Secondary colors

18、 What kind of colors are presented here? 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第18张

A:Primary colors
B:Secondary colors
C:Tertiary colors
D:Opposite colors
答案: Primary colors

Chapter 4: Color 4.2 Quiz

1、          depict feelings of coolness and relaxation.

A:Chromatic colors
B:Cool colors
C:Tertiary colors
D:Tetradic colors
答案: Cool colors

2、 ______ is an example of cool colors.

答案: Violet

3、 How can yo make a tone of a hue?

A:Adding black.
B:Adding white.
C:Adding grey.
D:Adding brown.
答案: Adding grey.

4、 A tint is made by adding _____ to a color.

答案: white

5、 A          is a color that is mixed with grey.

答案: tone

6、 A          is a color that is mixed with black.

答案: shade

7、 The term           is used to refer to the brightness or darkness of a color.

答案: value

8、 When a large amount of color is added to an image, it is         .

答案: saturated

9、 ______ is an example of hue.

答案: Red

10、 The three main properties of color are______.

A:warm, cool and luke warm(微温的)
B:hue, value and intensity
C:light, dark and medium
D:tint, tone and shade
答案: hue, value and intensity

11、 Chroma does NOT refer to a color’s         .

答案: value

12、 Reds, yellows and oranges depict feelings of heat, passion and intensity. These colors are also known as         .

A:warm colors
B:cool colors
C:primary colors
D:secondary colors
答案: warm colors

13、 Which of the following are examples of cool colors?

A:Orange, green and purple (or violet).
B:Blue, green and violet (or purple).
C:Yellow, blue and red.
D:White, black and brown.
答案: Blue, green and violet (or purple).

Chapter 4: Color 4.3 Quiz

1、 Color schemes can be found by using         .

A:A color palette
B:A color wheel
C:A color scale
D:A color prism
答案: A color wheel

2、 Which of the following is NOT a 4-color scheme?

A:The double-complementary color scheme.
B:The tetradic color scheme.
C:The rectangle color scheme.
D:The split-complementary color scheme.
答案: The split-complementary color scheme.

3、 Which of the following is a 2-color schemes defined by creating a high amount of contrast between colors?

A:The triadic color scheme
B:The tetradic color scheme
C:The complementary color scheme
D:The square color scheme
答案: The complementary color scheme

4、 What class of colors are used in this painting to express a sense of fun and excitement? 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第23张

答案: Primary.

5、 Which art movement was interested in trying to capture the changing effects of color in nature?

答案: Impressionism.

6、 ______ color scheme uses variations in value and saturation of a single color.

答案: Monochromatic

7、 Colors opposite of each other on the color wheel are______.

A:analogous colors
B:complementary colors
C:triadic colors
D:monochromatic colors
答案: complementary colors

8、 When you place complementary colors next to each other, it will make the colors .

A:appear brighter
C:appear dull
D:blend together
答案: appear brighter

9、 If you want your artwork to be calm, soothing, and make the viewer feel comfortable, you should use         .

A:contrasting colors
B:analogous colors
C:triadic colors.
D:complementary colors
答案: analogous colors

10、 We use complementary colors when we want to           .

A:create no contrast
B:create a calm feeling
C:create a soothing feeling
D:make something stand out
答案: make something stand out

11、 This painting mainly consists of              color scheme. 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第24张

答案: analogous

12、 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第25张 The picture highlights         .

A:monochromatic colors
B:secondary colors
C:triadic colors
D:complementary colors
答案: monochromatic colors

13、 What color harmony is shown in the picture? 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第26张

A:Rectangle colors.
B:Neutral colors.
C:Complementary colors.
D:Split-complementary colors.
答案: Split-complementary colors.

14、 What color harmony is shown in the photo? 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第27张

A:analogous colors
B:color triad
C:monochromatic colors
D:primary colors
答案: color triad

15、 The choice of colors used in a design plan is called a _.

A:color scheme
B:color spectrum
C:color mix
D:color wheel
答案: color scheme

16、 What class of colors are used in this painting to express a sense of fun and excitement? 美术通识英语(湖北美术学院) 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版第23张

答案: Primary.

17、 When you place complementary colors next to each other, it will make the colors            .

A:appear brighter
C:appear dull
D:blend together
答案: appear brighter

Chapter 4: Color 4.4 Quiz

1、 If a language has fewer basic color term, ______.

A:the color wheel will not apply.
B:each term may refer to several colors.
C:the range of a color term expands.
D:the people who speak that language can’t perceive other colors.
答案: each term may refer to several colors.;
the range of a color term expands.

2、 Basic color terms in a language refer to the color words that are ______.

B:known to all speakers of the language.
C:the same in all languages
答案: frequently-used;
known to all speakers of the language.;

3、 Which of the following are true about basic color terms across languages?

A:If a language has five basic color terms, they must be black, white, red, green and yellow.
B:English speakers can’t distinguish the difference between blue and light blue because light blue is not a basic color term in English.
C:The number of basic color terms varies from two to twelve.
D:According to Berlin and Kay, all languages develop color terms in a similar order.
答案: If a language has five basic color terms, they must be black, white, red, green and yellow.;
The number of basic color terms varies from two to twelve.;
According to Berlin and Kay, all languages develop color terms in a similar order.

4、 Which of the following are true about  color and language?

A:There is something universal about how colors are named in different languages.
B:We often use cool colors to depict objects and warm colors to depict the background.
C:Orange didn’t refer to a color but a fruit in English at the very beginning.
D:Azure is a basic color term in English.
答案: There is something universal about how colors are named in different languages.;
Orange didn’t refer to a color but a fruit in English at the very beginning.

5、 Before the first millennium, there was no word for green in Japanese.

答案: 正确
分析:If you wanted to describe something green, you’d use the word for blue.

6、 When green traffic light was first set up in Japan, people referred to it as blue.

答案: 正确

7、 The traffic light in Japan now is as green as anywhere else in the world.

答案: 错误
分析:Traffic lights in Japan use the bluest shade of green possible, and they appear a little bit blue.

8、 Different languagehes have same basic color terms.

答案: 错误

9、 There is no word for blue in Russian.

答案: 正确
分析:In Russian, there are only words for light blue and dark blue.

10、 The environment may influence the naming of color words.

答案: 正确

11、 All languages have color words for black, white, red and green.

答案: 错误
分析:All languages have designations for black and white.

12、 Which of the following are true about color and language?

A:There is something universal about how colors are named in different languages.
B:We often use cool colors to depict objects and warm colors to depict the background.
C:Orange didn’t refer to a color but a fruit in English at the very beginning.
D:Azure is a basic color term in English.
答案: There is something universal about how colors are named in different languages.;
Orange didn’t refer to a color but a fruit in English at the very beginning.

Chapter 4: Color 4.5 Quiz

1、 Red is a very auspicious color in ______ and is used to symbolize good luck,celebration and happiness.

答案: China

2、 In Russia, red is often associated with ______.

答案: beauty

3、 ______ is considered to be a protective color and is popular with banks in North America and Europe.

答案: Blue

4、 Purple is often associated with ______ in many eatern and western countries.

A:wealth and nobility
B:international market
C:resposibility and duties
答案: wealth and nobility

5、 Which of the following can influence our perception of colors?

A:Physical health.
C:Personal Experience.
答案: Physical health.;
Personal Experience.;

6、 What does red represent in North America and Europe?

答案: Love.;

7、 Green is ______.

A:often associated with ecology and the environment
B:the color of money
D:quite visible but not harsh on the eyes
答案: often associated with ecology and the environment;
quite visible but not harsh on the eyes

8、 Red is the color of mourning and death in South Africa.

答案: 正确

9、 Red is used in many parts of the world to symbolize danger because it’s the most visible color.

答案: 正确

10、 Green is the color that has the second longest wavelength on the visible spectrum.

答案: 错误
分析:Yellow is second only to red in terms of visible wavelength.

11、 Purple is often associated with ______ in many eastern and western countries.

A:wealth and nobility
B:international market
C:resposibility and duties
答案: wealth and nobility

作业Chapter 4: Color Chapter Discussion

1、 请结合第4章中关于色彩的基本理论与文化内涵,选择一件艺术作品运用至少1个小节的知识点就其中的色彩运用进行分析。
评分规则:  内容分:6分。每运用本章节5小节中的一个知识点进行言之有据的分析。







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