中国大学mooc慕课 医学物理实验(山东大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


绪论 Introduction 绪论测验 Introduction test

1、         的出现,使生命科学进入到分子水平。With the appearance of                  , life science has entered the molecular level.

答案: X射线衍射技术 X-ray diffraction technique

2、 以下说法错误的是:The following statement is wrong:

答案: 算数平均值与真值的误差落在[-σ,σ ]范围内的概率为38.3%。The probability that the error between arithmetic mean and true value falls within the range of [-σ,σ ], is 38.3% .

3、 以下说法正确的选项是:The correct choice is as follows,

答案: 绝对误差一般保留一位有效数字.The absolute error generally retains one significant digit.

4、 已知X=(98.7±0.3)cm,Y=(16.238±0.006)cm,Z=(24.36±0.08)cm,求N=X+Y+ZGiven that X=(98.7±0.3)cm,Y=(16.238±0.006)cm,Z=(24.36±0.08)cm,Find N=X+Y+Z

答案: N=(139.3 ± 0.4) (cm)

5、 立方体的长L=(22.455±0.002)mm,高 H=(90.35±0.03)mm,宽 B=(279.68±0.05)mm ,则立方体体积V表示为:If the length of the cube L = (22.455 ± 0.002) mm, H = (90.35 ± 0.03) mm, and width B = (279.68 ± 0.05) mm, then the volume V of the cube is expressed as follows,

答案: (5674±3)×10^2 mm^3 

6、       的显像结果可在分子水平上反映人体是否存在生理或病理变化.The results of                 imaging can reflect whether there are physiological or pathological changes in human body at the molecular level.

答案: PET

7、 以下说法正确的是:The following is true:

答案: 现代生物学研究的最终目的是以物理学和化学解释生物学.The ultimate goal of modern biological research is to explain biology by physics and chemistry.;
医学物理学是物理学的重要分支学科.Medical physics is an important branch of physics.;
随着现代物理学迅速发展,医学已从宏观形态进入微观机制研究,从细胞水平上升到分子水平研究.With the rapid development of modern physics, medicine has entered the research of micro mechanism from macro morphology, from cell level to molecular level;
没有物理学技术的发展,医学研究的深入几乎是不可能的。Without the development of physical technology, it is almost impossible for medical research to go deep.

8、 精密度是与“真值”之间的一致程度,是系统误差与随机误差的综合。Precision is the degree of consistency with “true value”, and is the synthesis of systematic error and random error.

答案: 错误

9、 ln15.6的结果取为3.75 The result of ln15.6 is 3.75

答案: 错误

10、 物理仿真实验通过计算机把实验设备、教学内容、教师指导和学生的操作有机地融合为一体,通过对实验环境的模拟,加强学生对实验的物理思想和方法、仪器的结构及原理的理解,并加强对仪器功能和使用方法的训练,培养设计思考能力和比较判断能力,实现了培养动手能力,学习实验技能,深化物理知识的目的。Physical simulation experiment organically integrates experimental equipment, teaching content, teacher’s guidance and students’ operation through computer. Through the simulation of experimental environment, students’ understanding of the physical thought and method of experiment, the structure and principle of instrument, the training of instrument function and use method are strengthened, and the ability of design thinking and comparative judgment is cultivated. The purpose of training practical ability, learning experimental skills and deepening physical knowledge is realized.

答案: 正确

11、 科普知识涵盖了科学领域的各个方面,无论是物理、化学、生物各个学科,还是日常生活无不涉及到科普知识。Popular science knowledge covers all aspects of science, whether physics, chemistry, biology, or daily life.

答案: 正确

12、 以下说法错误的是:The following statement is wrong:

答案: 算数平均值与真值的误差落在[-σ,σ ]范围内的概率为38.3%。
The probability that the error between arithmetic mean and true value falls within the range of [-σ,σ ], is 38.3% .

作业绪论 Introduction 第一次作业 First assignment

1、    一个串联电路,五次测得通过电阻R 的电流Ii 分别为0.212A,0.214A,0.208A,0.212A,0.211A,同时测得电阻两端相应电压降Ui分别为42.22V,42.18V,42.20V,42.24V,42.28V。求:(1)求出每次测得的电阻值。(2)根据上述结果求电阻的平均值及其绝对误差、相对误差,并写出测量结果。     For a series circuit, the current Ii through the resistance R measured five times is 0.212A, 0.214A, 0.208A, 0.212A, 0.211A. At the same time, the corresponding voltage drop Ui at both ends of the resistance is 42.22V, 42.18V, 42.20V, 42.24V, 42.28V.Request: (1) get the resistance value measured each time.(2) According to the above results, request the average value of resistance and its absolute error and relative error, and write down the measurement results.
评分规则:  (1)每次测得的电阻值分别为:199W,197W,203W,199W,200W。(2)则电阻的平均值为:200W。绝对误差为:1W       相对误差为:0.5%则结果表示为:R=(200±1) W,     E=0.5% 最后俩结果正确即满分100分。结果不完全正确,则每个结果10分(1) The measured resistances are 199W, 197W, 203W, 199W and 200W.(2) The average value of resistance is 200WThe absolute error is 1 W,The relative error is 0.5%,The results are as follows:R=(200±1) W,  E=0.5%。The final two results are correct, that is, the full score is 100.If the result is not completely correct, then each result has 10 points.

实验一 物体的基本测量 Basic length measurement 实验一 物体的基本测量 Test 1 Basic length measurement

1、 螺旋测微器可以精确测量到:The screw micrometer can accurately measure,

答案: 0.01mm

2、 50分度的游标卡尺,其最小读数值为The minimum reading value of vernier caliper with 50 divisions is

答案: 0.02mm

3、 以下说法错误的选项是:The wrong choice is,

答案: 螺旋测微计使用完毕后,应使螺旋测微计的螺旋杆A和固定测量钳口E之间接触后固定,防止因螺旋杆移动而损坏其精密度。同理,游标卡尺的测量钳口AA'也要接触后固定。After the screw micrometer is used, the screw rod a of the screw micrometer and the fixed measuring jaw e shall be fixed after contacting to prevent the precision of the screw micrometer from being damaged due to the movement of the screw rod. Similarly, the measuring jaw AA ‘of vernier caliper should be fixed after contacting.

4、 游标卡尺是由主尺与游标两部分组成的。主尺最小分格常为1 mm,游标上的分格通常取与主尺的M-1分格相当的长度分为M等分。若主尺上每一分格长度为 y mm,游标每一分格长度为 x mm, 那么y-x=The vernier caliper is composed of the main ruler and the vernier. The minimum division of the main ruler is usually 1 mm, and the partition on the cursor is usually equal to the length of the M-1 grid of the main ruler, which is divided into M-equal divisions. If the length of each division on the ruler is y mm and that of the cursor is x mm, then y-x=

答案: y/M

5、 中国大学mooc慕课 医学物理实验(山东大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张游标读数为:The cursor reading is

答案: 21.48mm

6、 使用20分度的游标卡尺时,能够读取的毫米部分的最小单位为0.02mm。When using a vernier caliper with 20 divisions, the minimum unit that can read the millimeter part is 0.02mm.

答案: 错误

7、 分光计的游标为30分度,则主尺和游标每小格之差为2’。If the vernier of the spectrometer is 30 degrees, the difference between the main ruler and the vernier is 2 ‘.

答案: 错误

8、 测量尺面读数:松开制动螺杆,转动微分筒C,将待测物件正确放置于E与A之间,然后转动微分筒C,当E与A的端面将要与待测物件接触时,旋转小旋柄B,当听到“咔咔”响时(两端正好与物体接触),记下读数。Measuring scale surface reading: loosen the brake screw, rotate the differential cylinder C, correctly place the object to be measured between E and A, and then turn the differential cylinder C. when the end faces of E and A are about to contact with the object to be measured, rotate the small rotary handle B. when the “click” sound is heard (both ends are just in contact with the object), record the reading.

答案: 错误

9、 螺旋测微计的零点读数A0可正可负,当微分筒上的零刻度线在主尺读数基准线之下时A0为负值,反之为正值。The zero point reading A0 of the screw micrometer can be positive or negative. When the zero scale line on the differential cylinder is below the reading reference line of the main ruler, A0 is a negative value, otherwise it is a positive value.

答案: 错误

实验二 用拉脱法测定液体表面张力系数 Determination of liquid surface tension coefficient by pull off method 实验二 用拉脱法测定

1、 关于零点读数,以下说法正确的是:For zero readings, what is the correct statement of the following options?

答案: 零点读数的位置可以根据测量情况调整,其位置可以改变The position of zero point reading can be adjusted according to the measurement situation, and its position can be changed

2、 给定液体的表面上一段分界线的长度时L,其表面张力的大小和方向是?Given the length L of a dividing line on the surface of a liquid, what is the magnitude and direction of the surface tension?

答案: 表面张力与L成正比,力与L垂直且沿液面的切线方向The surface tension is proportional to L, and the force is perpendicular to L and along the tangent direction of the liquid surface

3、 一矩形金属线框结有表面张力系数为a的液膜,有一边是可滑动的,其长为L,如果用力F使滑动边匀速且无摩擦地拉开距离x,此时液膜的表面能比原来:A rectangular metal wire frame junction has a liquid film with a surface tension coefficient a, one side of which is sliding and its length is L. if the force F makes the sliding edge move at a constant speed without friction, the surface energy of the liquid film is compared with the original one,

答案: 增加了2 a LxAdded 2 a Lx

4、 焦利氏秤上的弹簧是挂在可以上下移动的有刻度的管子上的,管外面套有外管,外管上有游标,旋转旋钮即可使管上下移动。该游标是十分度的,那么其最小读数值为?The spring on Jolly’s scale is hung on a graduated tube which can be moved up and down. The tube is covered with an outer tube, and there is a vernier on the outer tube. The tube can be moved up and down by turning the knob. The cursor is ten degrees, so its minimum reading value is?

答案: 0.1mm

5、 当液面在毛细管中低于毛细管外液面时,液体在毛细管中的接触角为?When the liquid level in the capillary is lower than that outside the capillary, the contact angle of the liquid in the capillary is?

答案: 钝角 Obtuse angle

6、 调节焦利氏称时,三线重合是指哪些线:When the Joule scale is adjusted, which lines are overlapped by three lines?

答案: 玻璃管上的标线 The marking line on glass tube;
玻璃管上的标线在镜中的像The image of the mark on the glass tube in the mirror;
细金属杆上镜子的标线Marking lines for mirrors on thin metal rods

7、 液体的表面张力系数大小,与哪些因素有关?Which factors are related to the surface tension coefficient of liquid?

答案: 温度 Temperature;
液体本身的性质 Properties of liquid itself;
所含的杂质 Impurities contained

8、 日常生活中的表面吸附现象有:The surface adsorption phenomena in daily life are as follows:

答案: 水面上的油膜Oil film on water;
活性炭过滤水Activated carbon filter water;
面粉洗葡萄Washing grapes with flour

9、 测量过程中,铁支架可适当移动以方便读数During the measurement, the iron bracket can be moved properly to facilitate reading

答案: 错误

10、 金属框下端全没入水中,即使金属框略倾斜也不会影响表面张力的大小。The lower end of the metal frame is completely submerged in the water, even if the metal frame is slightly inclined, The size of surface tension will not be affected.

答案: 错误

11、 本实验测量弹簧弹性系数时,砝码盘可以挂着金属框进行实验,这时候的零点和不挂金属框时的零点位置不同。In this experiment, when measuring the spring elastic coefficient, the weight plate can be hung with a metal frame, and the zero point position is different when the metal frame is not hung.

答案: 正确

作业实验二 用拉脱法测定液体表面张力系数 Determination of liquid surface tension coefficient by pull off method 第二次作业

1、 焦利称测量微小力的原理与方法Principle and method of measuring micro force with Jolly Balance
评分规则:  能简单了解焦利称的结构60分;并能够说明通过液面下降和弹簧升高,同时使标线位置三线合一,每项10分,则可得分为90分。能够说明避免振动,通过旋钮缓慢移动液面,语言通顺则再加10分,可得满分100分。A simple understanding of the structure of Jolly’s scale gives 60 points. It can also be explained that by simultaneously lowering the liquid level and raising the spring, the marking position can reach three lines in one. If each item has 10 points, the score will be 90 points.It can be explained that vibration is avoided. If the liquid level is moved slowly through the knob and the language is smooth, 10 points will be added to get a full score of 100 points

实验三 杨氏模量的测量 Determination of Young’s modulus 实验三 杨氏模量的测量 Test 3 Determination of Young’s modulus

1、 固体物质受到外力拉伸时,产生应变,外力必对固体做功,其结果是:When a solid material is stretched by an external force, it will produce strain, and the external force must do work on the solid. The result is as follows,

答案: 做功变为固体势能的增加Work becomes an increase in the potential energy of a solid

2、 下列几种直径、长度均相同的金属丝,受力稍微弯曲,去掉外力后,哪种金属丝的形变接近于弹性形变?The following kinds of wires with the same diameter and length are slightly bent under the force. After removing the external force, which kind of wire deformation is close to the elastic deformation?

答案: 细钢丝Fine steel wire

3、 细调光路共轴中,以下率先调节的是:In the fine adjustment of the coaxial light path, what is the first adjustment?

答案: 旋转目镜,使望远镜分划板上的十字叉丝清晰Rotate the eyepiece to make the cross wire on the telescope reticle clear.

4、 目测调节光杠杆的过程中,以下说法正确的是:Which of the following statements is true in the process of visually adjusting the light lever?

答案: 使望远镜与光杠杆等高Make the telescope level with the light lever

5、 以下说法正确的是:What is the correct statement of the following options?

答案: 杨氏弹性模量E仅决定于材料本身的性质,模量越大,物体越不容易变形。Young’s modulus of elasticity e only depends on the properties of the material itself. The larger the modulus is, the less likely the object is to deform.;
将光杠杆平面镜放在工作台上,二前足在工作台的横槽内,后足放在架子上与钢丝几乎接触,但不得与钢丝相碰。Put the flat mirror with light lever on the worktable, the two front feet are in the transverse groove of the working table, and the rear feet are placed on the shelf and almost contact with the steel wire, but it is not allowed to collide with the steel wire.

6、 以下说法正确的是:What is the correct statement of the following options?

答案: 实验完成后,应将砝码取下,防止钢丝疲劳。After the experiment, the weight should be removed to prevent fatigue of steel wire.;
砝码开口部位要对称放置,尽可能的减少切向形变,使砝码的重量竖直向下。The opening part of the weight should be placed symmetrically to reduce the tangential deformation as much as possible, so that the weight of the weight is vertical downward.;
观察标尺时不要忽高忽低引起视差,眼睛要正对望远镜。When observing the ruler, do not cause parallax by changing the height and height of the ruler. The eyes should be facing the telescope.

7、 杨氏弹性模量E仅决定于材料本身的性质,而与外力ΔF,物体的长度L以及截面积S的大小无关,它是表征固体材料性质的一个重要物理量。Young’s modulus of elasticity e is only determined by the properties of the material itself, but has nothing to do with the external force Δ F, the length L of the object and the cross section product S. It is an important physical quantity to characterize the properties of solid materials.

答案: 正确

8、 粗调光路共轴:开始时不要从望远镜内部观察,应先从望远镜的上面,通过准星和缺口观察光杠杆的平面镜里是否有标尺的像。若没有,可通过调节望远镜焦距而使像最终出现在平面镜内。Coaxiality of the light path: do not observe from the inside of the telescope at first, but observe whether there is a ruler image in the plane mirror of the optical lever from the top of the telescope through the collimation and notch. If not, the image can finally appear in the plane mirror by adjusting the focal length of the telescope.

答案: 错误

9、 将光杠杆放在一张纸上,压出三个足迹后,用螺旋测微器测量后足至前足连线的垂直距离b,重复三次。Place the light lever on a piece of paper, press out three footprints, and measure the vertical distance b from the hindfoot to the front foot with a screw micrometer, and repeat three times.

答案: 错误

10、 在物体材料弹性限度内,应力大小与物体伸长量成正比,其比例系数为弹性模量。Within the elastic limit of the material, the stress is directly proportional to the elongation of the object, and its proportional coefficient is the elastic modulus.

答案: 错误

实验四 液体黏滞系数的测量 Measurement of viscosity coefficient of liquid 实验四 液体黏滞系数的测量 Test 4 Measurement of vis

1、 以下哪项操作是错误的?Which of the following is wrong?

答案: 倒出蒸馏水,先用少量无水酒精冲洗奥氏粘度计。再取蒸馏水按步骤2测定其下落过程的时间 ,同样测量五次。Pour out the distilled water and rinse the ornithrometer with a small amount of anhydrous alcohol. Then take distilled water and measure the falling time of distilled water according to step 2, and measure the same five times.

2、 泊肃叶定律指出,粘滞性液体在均匀细管中作稳定流动时,其流量Poiseuille’s law points out that when a viscous liquid flows stably in a uniform thin pipe, its flow rate is

答案: 与管两端的压强差成正比It is proportional to the pressure difference between the two ends of the tube.

3、 本实验要测定一定体积的液体流经毛细管时所需要的时间比,关于此时间以下理解最恰当的是:In this experiment, the time ratio of a certain volume of liquid flowing through the capillary tube is determined. What is the most appropriate understanding of this time?

答案: 它是一定体积液体流经该毛细管时所用的总时间,可理解为每处相同高度液面处不同液体的各小体积液体流经毛细管的时间总和,各位置压强之比等于其密度之比。It is the total time taken for a certain volume of liquid to flow through the capillary tube, which can be understood as the sum of the time of each small volume of liquid with different liquid at the same height. The ratio of pressure at each position is equal to the ratio of its density.

4、 以下哪项操作是正确的?Which of the following is correct?

答案: 用吸耳球吸液体时,不可将液体吸入橡皮管中。When sucking liquid with suction ball, do not inhale liquid into rubber tube.;
所有器材均为易碎品,操作时要小心。All the equipment are fragile and should be handled with care.

5、 牛顿流体的黏度与下列哪些因素有关?Which of the following factors affects the viscosity of Newtonian fluids?

答案: 流体本身性质 Properties of fluid itself;
温度 temperature

6、 向奥氏黏度计加入液体时,只要不超过上端的M泡即可 When the liquid is added to the Ostwald viscometer, as long as it does not exceed the M bubble at the upper end.

答案: 错误

7、 不同温度下,同一液体的黏滞系数不同.  The viscosity coefficient of the same liquid is different at different temperatures.

答案: 正确

8、 吸液器管把水吸到乳胶管时对结果无影响.The aspirator tube does not affect the results when it sucks water into the latex tube.

答案: 错误

9、 测量时,奥氏黏度计可略微倾斜放置,对结果并无影响。When measuring, the Ostwald viscometer can be placed at a slight tilt, which has no effect on the results.

答案: 错误

10、 利用奥氏黏度计用比较法测定液体黏度系数时,注入标准液和待测液的体积必须相同.When the viscosity coefficient of a liquid is determined by comparison method with an austenitic viscometer, the volume of the injected standard solution and the solution to be tested must be the same.

答案: 错误







中国大学mooc慕课 医学物理实验(山东大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张

中国大学mooc慕课 医学物理实验(山东大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张





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