西方思想经典(南京大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit One Christian Theology 基督教神学 Christian Theology 单元小测

1、 The English word “Bible” means______.

D:the books
答案: the books

2、 What does “testament” mean in the Bible?

答案: covenant

3、 Scholasticism has a lot to do with ______.

A:the authoritative texts of the Bible
B:the interpretation of the Christian Bible
C:the scholars of Christianity
D:the church fathers of the medieval Europe
答案: the interpretation of the Christian Bible

4、 Augustine’s Christian philosophy is __ in nature.

答案: Platonic

5、 Thomas Aquinas is best known for his combination of ____ with Christian theology.

B:Catholic theology
C:Aristotle’s science
D:Christian faith
答案: Aristotle’s science

6、 What is the purpose of Martin Luther’s Ninety-five Theses?

A:To develop his literary talent
B:To express his political judgment
C:To claim his authority on religious reformation
D:To question the corrupt church practice of selling indulgences
答案: To question the corrupt church practice of selling indulgences

7、 Weber calls the urge to fulfil the worldly obligations “calling,” namely, __.

A:to take immediate actions and perform duty
B:to create their salvation through good works
C:to pray in monasteries
D:to live acceptable to God
答案: to take immediate actions and perform duty

8、 What are the core tenets repeatedly emphasized in the Old Testament?

A:the significance and value of suffering
B:integrity and righteousness
C:the embrace of material wealth
D:the importance of devoutness and virtue
答案: the significance and value of suffering;
integrity and righteousness;
the importance of devoutness and virtue

9、 The Protestant Reformation was not ignited by the __.

A:the problematic survival of Christianity
B:the corruption in the Roman Catholic Church
C:the influence from politics
D:the disagreement on leadership
答案: the problematic survival of Christianity;
the influence from politics;
the disagreement on leadership

10、  Calvinism and capitalism belong to different mindset not because _.

A:Capitalism is unworldly and spiritual, and Protestantism stands for materiality and greed
B:Protestantism is unworldly and spiritual, and capitalism stands for materiality and greed
C:Capitalism is greedy and spiritual, and Protestantism stands for materiality and unworldliness
D:Capitalism is unworldly and greedy, and Protestantism stands for materiality and spirituality
答案: Capitalism is unworldly and spiritual, and Protestantism stands for materiality and greed;
Capitalism is greedy and spiritual, and Protestantism stands for materiality and unworldliness;
Capitalism is unworldly and greedy, and Protestantism stands for materiality and spirituality

11、 Asceticism is a lifestyle that is not asscoiated with _____.

A:permitting union with the divine
B:releasing the soul from bondage to the body
C:developing an obsession with bodily gratification
D:keeping away from worldly pleasures
答案: permitting union with the divine;
releasing the soul from bondage to the body;
developing an obsession with bodily gratification

Unit Two Epistemology 认识论 Epistemology 单元测验

1、 Plato insists that knowledge be certain and infallible, and he calls this _.

答案: Form

2、 Plato is known for his famous allegory of the cave, which tells us that __.

A:we all live in the cave all our lives
B:we see shadows and take them to be real figures
C:people there are chained in legs and necks
D:we should get out of the cave and gain enlightenment
答案: we should get out of the cave and gain enlightenment

3、  Bacon is a(n) _ statesman who lived in ____.

A:French; the Middle Ages
B:German; the Renaissance period
C:English; the Renaissance period
D:Russian; ancient
答案: English; the Renaissance period

4、 Bacon identifies four “Idols”, in other words, ______.

A:people specializing in the performing arts
B:impediments to clear human reasoning
C:ancient deities worshipped by people
D:ways of spending one’s leisure time
答案: impediments to clear human reasoning

5、 The Method of Cartesian Doubt, or Cartesian Scepticism, calls on us to ______.

A:refuse to commit ourselves to the dictates of any institution
B:refuse to acknowledge the validity of Grecian observations about the world
C:refuse to accept anything as true if there is any possibility that it is not
D: refuse to believe that there is a god governing human affairs
答案: refuse to accept anything as true if there is any possibility that it is not

6、  When Heraclitus says that “We both step and do not step in the same river,” he meant to say that _.

A:no man can ever step in the same river twice
B:We cannot step in the same river
C:man can step in the same river twice
D:We can step in the same river
答案: no man can ever step in the same river twice

7、 Subjectivism takes consciousness as the decisive force behind human ______.

答案: cognition

8、 Epistemology deals with the following questions, including _____.

A:what is knowledge?
B:where is knowledge to be found?
C:how is knowledge acquired?
D:why is knowledge indispensable?
答案: what is knowledge?;
where is knowledge to be found?;
how is knowledge acquired?

9、 The word “empiricism” originates not from _____.

答案: Chinese;

10、 Which of the following is true of Descartes?

A:He tried to purge scientific study of the influence of religion.
B:His philosophical stance runs somewhat counter to Bacon’s. 
C:He tried to establish philosophy on entirely new grounds.
D:He is known for his mathematicism, subjectivism, and scepticism.
答案: His philosophical stance runs somewhat counter to Bacon’s. ;
He tried to establish philosophy on entirely new grounds.;

He is known for his mathematicism, subjectivism, and scepticism.


Unit Three Society 社会 Society 单元测验

1、 The greatest advantage of division of labour is _

A:clearer responsibility
B:simpler work
C:more pleasure at work
D:higher efficiency
答案: higher efficiency

2、 “The invisible hand,” one of the most important concepts of Adam Smith, holds that every individual in pursuing his or her own interest is led to achieve the best interest for all, “to promote an end which was no part of his intention”. It shows that __

A:The government should not interfere with the individual businesses
B:selfishness is justified
C:An individual could do whatever he/she likes
D:An individual could not properly judge his own investment
答案: The government should not interfere with the individual businesses

3、 According to Adam Smith’s ideas, what are the fundamental sources of a nation’s income? _______

A:wages, profits, and land
B:rent, wages, and profits
C:land, rent, and wages
D:rent, profits, and land
答案: rent, wages, and profits

4、 “The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.” The quotation illustrates John Stuart Mill’s _.

A:Pleasure principle
B:Harm principle 
C:Liberty principle
D:Reality principle
答案: Harm principle 

5、  To get the maximum of labour-power, capitalists would __.

A:call into existence their gravedigger
B:seek ever greater profit 
C:not hesitate to rob the labourer of its entire energy
D:constantly upgrade means of production
答案: call into existence their gravedigger

6、  The “white man’s burden” is actually used as a pretext to__.

A:encourage the “natural customer” to buy colonizer’s manufactured goods
B:keep away from the “vegetable and mineral riches” of the colonized
C:help the less developed countries and areas
D:expand beyond the territorial, political and economic limits of the Empire 
答案: expand beyond the territorial, political and economic limits of the Empire 





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