商务英语写作实践(中北大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


第二讲 询盘 Enquiries and Replies 第二讲 单元测验

1、 A businessperson will send _____ whenever he or she wants some information about the product such as quality, specification and price, etc.

答案: an enquiry

2、 In the trade terms CFR, “C” stands for ______.

答案: cost

3、 This price is ______ of your 3% commission.

答案: inclusive

4、 If you are interested, we will send you a sample lot ______ charge.

答案: free of

5、 Please let us know whether you can supply the articles specified in the _____ list.

答案: enclosed

6、 We are much impressed by the _____ your leather shoes that were displayed on your stand at recent trade fair in Paris.

答案: wide range of

7、 Can you quote _____ 1000 bicycles we enquired for in our letter of March 13

答案: us a better price for

8、 We are a leading corporation _____ industrial chemicals, and would like to have the details of your products.

答案: dealing in

9、 We are writing on behalf of our French principals, who are now _____ office furniture.

答案: in the market for

10、 If your samples meet our requirement, we will _____ a large order.

答案: place

11、 We look forward to _____.

答案: hearing from you soon

12、 We would _____ if you would send us an up-to-date price list for your building materials.

答案: appreciate it

13、 Yesterday we received an enquiry _____ 20 tons of apricot kernel.

答案: for

14、 We are interested in_a number of prominent manufacturers in your country with a view to___ lines suitable for the American market.

答案: contacting, choosing

15、 Full information as to prices, quality, quantity _____ and other relative particulars would be appreciated.

答案: available


第三讲 发盘 Offers and Counter-offers 第三讲 单元测验

1、 A quotation is a written form response to an enquiry, telling the enquirer the price and other terms of transaction. In this sense, the term “_” is often used as “quotation” in international trade, today. However, in practice,is usually a “__”.

答案: offer, an offer, firm offer

2、 A(n) _____ has a validity time, within which it can not be altered, changed or withdrawn.

答案: firm offer

3、 If a buyer does not agree with any or some of the transaction terms of a quotation or an offer, he sends a _____.

答案: counter offer

4、 We are sending you a representative selection of our most popular lines and you will find a ready _____ for them.

答案: sale

5、 Although the goods you require are out of stock, we can offer you a _____.

答案: substitute

6、 Both grades are_in a wide range of self-colors and patterns; both___ a 3-year guarantee against fading.

答案: available, carry

7、 We have great pleasure in making you a special ____ for 300 bottles of body lotion in beautifully-designed display packages.

答案: offer


8、 This offer is firm, _____ your confirmation reaching us before or on June 16.

答案: subject to

9、 _orders of 1000 pieces or more we___ a special discount of 4%.

答案: On, grant

10、 Please note that the items marked with a tick can be supplied _____ stock.

答案: from

11、 The exhibition has much to offer that you will _____ interesting.

答案: find

12、 As _____ machine tools, we regret to say that we are not able to supply for the time being.

答案: regards

13、 We supply tomato paste in aseptic bag, bulk or tins _____ various sizes.

答案: of

14、 Apart from the fact that our _____ are already low, there is the additional problem of maintaining our retail prices at a competitive level.

答案: profit margin

15、 The above quotations are made_the basis of CIF Karachi, but a discount___ 5% may be allowed if the quantity for individual item reaches 1,000.

答案: on, of


第四讲 订单 Orders and Their Fulfillment 第四讲 单元测验

1、 As our factory is at present fully occupied with orders, we regret to ______ yours.

答案: cancel

2、 If your prices and qualities are satisfactory, we will place a ______order with you.

答案: considerable

3、 The goods are urgently needed. We ______ hope you will deliver them immediately.

答案: therefore

4、 We place this order ______ the understanding that the discount is 10%.

答案: on

5、 The shipment was delayed because you had failed ______ the necessary space.

答案: to book

6、 Your terms at the time provided for free delivery of all orders ______ $ 400 or more.

答案: worth

7、 We regret to say that there is no stock ______ for your order.

答案: available

8、 We are sending you, under ______, by airmail a copy of the latest catalogue.

答案: separate cover

9、 Your firm has been ______ to us by Crombongo Textiles Co. Ltd, with whom we have done business for many years.

答案: recommended

10、 We will ship your order ______ condition that your L/C would reach us by the end of this month.

答案: on

11、 ______ please find our latest products catalogue.

答案: Enclosed

12、 ______ your prices are suitable, you will find a ready market for the products.

答案: Provided

13、 Our end-users are complaining about the ______ quality against us.

答案: inferior

14、 ______ your today’s email instructions, we have sent our order to you.

答案: Following

15、 We rely__ you to fulfill this order with the entire satisfaction____ our customers and without the least possible delay.

答案: on, to


第五讲 包装 Packing 第五讲 单元测验

1、 This is to apply ______ all orders unless otherwise specified.

答案: to

2、 The goods you packed in wooden cases are ______ to damage by moisture.

答案: susceptible

3、 Overall ______ of each case must not exceed 2×1×1.5m.

答案: measurements

4、 We are ______ to measuring the weight of oil by barrel instead of kilograms.

答案: accustomed

5、 Flowers are packed 10 pieces__ a box and 100 boxes____ a wooden case.

答案: in, to

6、 The goods must be packed in requested containers so as to avoid damage ______ the goods.

答案: to

7、 We will pack the goods_our usual practice if we do not hear from you to the contrary.

答案: according to

8、 Please see to it that the ______ must be strong enough to withstand rough handling.

答案: package

9、 The client suggested that the packing of this article ______ improved.

答案: be

10、 With ______ to the shipping marks, the supplier should follow the instruction of the buyer.

答案: regard

11、 Garments are generally packed in plastic ______ cartons.

答案: lined

12、 You know that the appearance of the package ______ greatly to the sale of consumer goods.

答案: contributes

13、 Our package for canned fruit is not only seaworthy but also strong enough to protect the goods ______ possible damage.

答案: from

14、 We will pack your fresh vegetable ______ bundles of suitable size for shipment.

答案: in

15、 The third shipment of Blankets against Order No.CV323 is also to be delivered. Please take_measures against any damage in transit.

答案: precautionary


第六讲 保险 Insurance 第六讲 单元测验

1、 We are also in a position to insure the shipment___ any additional risks if you desire so.

答案: against

2、 We should like to have the insurance___ for 110% of the invoice value.

答案: covered

3、 Please insure F.P.A.___ your end.

答案: at

4、 We shall provide such coverage___ your cost.

答案: at

5、 If any damage occurs a claim may_with the insurance agent at your area.

答案: be filed

6、 Your L/C calls for an insurance amount for 150% of the invoice value. ______, we would request you to amend the insurance clause.

答案: Such being the case

7、 The cargo is to be insured_warehouse_warehouse against AllRisks.

答案: from, to

8、 We are pleased to confirm___ the above goods for US$4000.

答案: having insured

9、 PICC stands_the People’s Insurance Company of_

答案: or, China

10、 Damage___the goods was caused by heavy rain___transit.

答案: to, in

11、 Insurance is to be___ by the seller if a transaction is concluded on CIF basis.

答案: covered

12、 Extra premium is for buyer’s account,___additional risks be covered.

答案: should

13、 We wish to_the above policy for the same amount and on the same terms_before to cover our consignment to be shipped by S.S. East Wind next month.

答案: renew, as

14、 This kind of additional risk is coverable___ a premium of 0.2%.

答案: at

15、 Insurance is to be covered___ invoice value plus 10%.

答案: for





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