英国社会与文化 中国大学慕课答案2024版100分完整版


I. Literature—Literary Giants and Their Masterpieces 英国文学:文学巨匠和鸿篇巨著(方妍) 第1章单元测验

1、 All Shakespeare’s works are written in __.

A:old English
B:middle English
C:modern English
答案: modern English

2、 Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?

A:Twelfth Night
C:The Tempest
D:Richard II
答案: Othello

3、 Which character is not a noble hero with a tragic flaw in Shakespeare’s tragedies?

C:King Lear
答案: Bassanio

4、 The leading form of literature in the Victorian Era is __.

答案: novel

5、 The novel Vanity Fair is the masterpiece of the author __.

A:Charles Dickens
B:Oscar Wilde
C:William M. Thackeray
D:George Eliot
答案: William M. Thackeray

6、  __ is a representative of English critical realism in the 19th century.

A:Joseph Conrad
B:John Milton
C:Charles Dickens
D:Virginia Woolf
答案: Charles Dickens

7、 Of Dickens’ novels, __ is considered most autobiographical.

A:A Tale of Two Cities
B:David Copperfield
C:Oliver Twist
D:Great Expectations
答案: David Copperfield

8、 Ode to the West Wind is written by __.

A:George Gordon Byron
B:Percy Bysshe Shelley
C:John Keats
D:William Wordsworth
答案: Percy Bysshe Shelley

9、 “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.” is a famous quotation of __.

A:William Wordsworth
B:Samuel Taylor Coleridge
C:John Keats
D:Robert Burns
答案: John Keats

10、 In a historical sense, __ was a movement in philosophy, political theory, and the arts that flourished in England from 1750 to 1850.

D:Critical Realism
答案: Romanticism

II. History—Figures and Events of Significance 英国历史:重要人物和事件(周玲) 第2章单元测验

1、 Who introduced Christianity into Britain?

A:The Viking Danes
B:The Romans
C:The French
D:The Angles, Saxons and Jutes
答案: The Romans

2、 Which of the following is NOT one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern English race?

A:the Viking Danes
B:the Saxons
C:the Angles
D:the Jutes
答案: the Viking Danes

3、 In the year 1066, William the Conqueror invaded England and defeated the Saxon king Harold at ______.

A:the Battle of Grecy
B:the Battle of Agincourt
C:the Battle of Hastings
D:the Hundred Years’ War
答案: the Battle of Hastings

4、 It was not until the end of ______ that English language finally took the place of French in all classes of society in England.

A:the Wars of the Roses
B:the Battle of Hastings
C:the Hundred Years’ War
D:the Battle of Agincourt
答案: the Hundred Years’ War

5、 ______ was forced to sign The Magna Carta in June 1215 with the barons of Medieval England.

A:Henry VIII
B:Charles I
C:King John
D:James II
答案: King John

6、 The king who believed the “Divine Right” to govern, and who was condemned to death during the English Civil War was ______.

A:Henry VIII
B:Charles I
C:King John
D:James II
答案: Charles I

7、 According to Marx, it was ______ that brought into power, along with William of Orange, the landlord and capitalist appropriators.

A:the Glorious Revolution
B:the establishment of the Commonwealth of England
C:the execution of Charles I
D:the New Model Army
答案: the Glorious Revolution

8、 It was during ______ when the English navy defeated the Spanish Armada.

A:the Middle Ages
B:the 16th century
C:the Elizabethan age
D:the Wars of the Roses
答案: the 16th century

9、 The sparkle that set off World War I was the ______.

A:the invasion of Poland by Hitler
B:British declaration of war on Germany
C:the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
D:the establishment of two opposing political and military alliances
答案: the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria

10、 “Blood, Toil, Tears and Swear” was delivered by Winston Churchill during ______.

A:the First World War
B:the Second World War
C:the Battle of Trafalgar
D:the Battle of Waterloo
答案: the Second World War

III. Communication—Etiquette Here and There 交往礼仪:小处不可随便(徐鸿) 第3章单元测验

1、 In England, what is a particularly suitable topic of conversation?

D:TV shows
答案: weather

2、 Who once observed that ‘when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather’?

A:William Shakespeare
B:William Blake
C:Henry James
D:Samuel Johnson
答案: Samuel Johnson

3、 Which of the following statements is NOT Kate Fox’s research finding?

A:The English have a lot of conversations about the weather because it is a form of social interaction which they all understand.

B:English conversations about the weather are not really about the weather at all.

C:Weather-speak in essence is a form of code.

D:English people gradually establish and develop this code to help them overcome their natural reserve and actually talk to each other.

答案: The English have a lot of conversations about the weather because it is a form of social interaction which they all understand.

4、 Which rule of English weather-speak is NOT mentioned?

A:The Context Rule
B:The Agreement Rule
C:The Friendliness Rule
D:The Reciprocity Rule
答案: The Friendliness Rule

5、 What is the correct response to ‘How do you do’?

A:’I’m fine.’
B:’I’m good.’
C:’Thank you.’
D:’How do you do?’
答案: ‘How do you do?’

6、 Which word may NOT be used to describe the English leave-takings?

答案: graceful

7、 Which word or expression may NOT be used to describe how the English feel if the long goodbye has been cut short?

C:a vague sense of incompleteness
答案: relieved

8、 Which of the following statements is NOT true about English pub?

A:English pub is a relaxed, social drinking establishment.
B:English pub is a prominent part of English culture.
C:The Rose and Crown, the Red Lion or the Three Horseshoes are household names in England.
D:English pub enjoys only national fame as a place to escape the outside world.
答案: English pub enjoys only national fame as a place to escape the outside world.

9、 How can one let bar staff know that he is waiting to be served?

A:Tap coins on the counter
B:Snap fingers
C:Hold money or an empty glass in one’s hand
答案: Hold money or an empty glass in one’s hand

10、 What is NOT the usual practice in English pubs?

A:To buy the bar staff a drink
B:To tip the bar staff
C:To say ‘please’
D:To say ‘thank you’
答案: To tip the bar staff

IV. Media—Broadcasting, Newspapers and Television英国媒体:广播,报纸和电视 (周欣迓) 第4章单元测验

1、 The BBC is mainly financed by ______.

A:payment from all people who possess TV sets
B:the income from advertisements
C:some large corporations
D:the British government
答案: payment from all people who possess TV sets

2、 Who had ever the only control of the airwaves in the UK EXCEPT?

A:General Post Office
B:the British Broadcasting Company
C:the British Broadcasting Corporation
D:the British government
答案: the British government

3、 Which of the following about the BBC is NOT true?

A:The BBC is run under a Royal Charter since its establishment.
B:Today the BBC provides more radio broadcasting than television output.
C:The BBC provides not only national broadcasting service but also world service.
D:The BBC is a private corporation.
答案: The BBC is a private corporation.

4、 Which of the following is a tabloid?

A:The Sun
B:Sunday Times
C:Morning Star
D:The Economist
答案: The Sun

5、 Among Britain’s quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “Big Three” EXCEPT ______.

A:The Times
B:The Guardian
C:The Observer
D:The Daily Telegraph
答案: The Observer

6、 Which of the following is NOT true about the Times?

A:Murdoch began to become famous through the purchase of The Times.
B:When John Walter III controlled the paper, he built the reputation of The Times.
C:The Times is the most popular newspaper in the U.K.
D:It was the founder, John Walter, who changed the name to The Times.
答案: The Times is the most popular newspaper in the U.K.

7、 All the following are commercial television broadcasters EXCEPT ______.

A:BBC One and BBC Two
B:Channel 3
C:Channel 4
答案: BBC One and BBC Two

8、 __ is reflected by criticism toward television since its creation.

A:The conflict between audiences and advertisers
B:The conflict between low-viewing programmes and popular programmes
C:Competition in the advertising market
D:A pressure on broadcasters such as ITV
答案: A pressure on broadcasters such as ITV

9、 The “lowest common denominator”refers to ______.

A:a term in mathematics
B:the majority of people who easily accept low standards
C:common audience
D:common people
答案: the majority of people who easily accept low standards

10、 Newton N. Minow said, “if each of the audience sit down in front of their television set for a day, until the station signs off, I can assure you that what you will observe is ______.”

A:a cultural wasteland
B:a neglected land
C:a desert
D:a barren land
答案: a cultural wasteland

V. A Country of Countries—Geography and Tourist Attractions 国中之国:英伦地理知识和旅游景点(唐加宁) 第5章单元测验

1、 The full name of Britain is ______?

A:Great Britain
B:the United Kingdom
C:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
D:the United Kingdom of Great Britain
答案: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2、 United Kingdom is not a single country, but instead is a country of countries. It contains inside of it _ co-equal and sovereign nations.

答案: Four

3、 _____ is the most important river in Scotland.

A:The Clyde River (克莱德河)
B:River Thames
C:The Severn
D:River Kennet
答案: The Clyde River (克莱德河)

4、 What are the official languages spoken in Wales?

A:English and Gaelic
B:English and Welsh
C:Welsh and Gaelic
D:Gaelic and Welsh
答案: English and Welsh

5、 It is believed that the Stonehenge was built there about 3,500 years ago by the ancient Britons and was used for _____.

A:Studying the movements of the sun, moon and stars.
B:Studying the weather
C:Studying the movements of the earth
D:None of the above
答案: Studying the movements of the sun, moon and stars.

6、  __ is the capital of Scotland.

答案: Edinburgh

7、 The Tower of London dates back to 1066, at the days of William the Conqueror. Over the years the tower has been used for different purposes, which of the following is NOT the correct usage of the tower?

A:Armory and a treasury
B:Record Office and Prison
答案: Bank

8、 Historically, Manchester as the birthplace of both the first true _ and ___ used to transport goods during the Industrial Revolution.

A:canal and car station
B:canal and railway station
C:gas factory and railway station
D:tunnel and bus station
答案: canal and railway station

9、 Northern Ireland is a mostly rural, green land with low hills and is suitable largely for ______.

A:animal farming and textile industry
B:agriculture and textile industry
C:animal farming and shipbuilding
D:none of the above
答案: animal farming and shipbuilding

10、 What is the Glasgow’s top attraction?

A:The John Rylands Library
B:National Football Museum
C:City Town Hall
D:Burrell Collection
答案: Burrell Collection







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