下面段落哪些是论证? 1. “树立正确的控烟观念是当务之急。” 2. 所以,明天可能很冷,不过我不担心。 3. 满足大家的幸福靠什么? 4. 不要从“唯GDP”变成“唯幸福” 。 5. 我国2006年1月开始控制吸烟,但5年来成效微弱。有法不依有法却无法执行是根本原因。 6. 美国劳工部八日公布的最新数据显示,四月份非农业部门就业岗位减少五十三点九万个,为六个月以来最小幅度。但失业率仍由三月份的百分之八点五攀升至百分之八点九,创下一九八三年以来的新高。 A:1-5 B:2-6 C:5-6 D:4-5 答案: 5-6

Directions: The following is the outline of the story in text A. Please fill in the blanks to complete the story with the words or expressions below. Change the form where necessary. (只填写标有题号的空,答案为一个单词或短语)                     comply     bring out       tense     forge     take off      comradeship     attempt                   It has been a tale of a friendship 1)__ under the most unlikely circumstances. African-American Jesse Owens and German poster boy Luz Long went face to face when Nazi Germany hosted the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin — and became fast friends.Luz Long turned up when Owens had fouled twice on his first two qualifying jumps. This left Owens with only one remaining _ to ensure that he reached the final. Long suggested that Owens should shift his mark back to ensure that he_ well short of the board and remained clear of any possibility of fouling again. Owens and qualified with almost a foot to spare. In the final competition, both Owens and Long tried to _ their best. Owens won the gold medal and Long finished second. After Owens’ final jump, Long openly congratulated him on his victory, in full view of Hitler.At a Olympic Games hosted by Adolf Hitler,  Jesse Owens, a black athlete, amazed the world by winning four gold medals. However, Owens subsequently claimed that the greatest prize he had already received during those days of glory was: the ____ of Luz Long. 答案: forged