Techniques used for collecting biopsy sample include: (   ) A 17-year-old boy infected with hepatitis A experiences mild



Techniques used for collecting biopsy sample include: (   ) A 17-year-old boy infected with hepatitis A experiences mild nausea for about 1 week and develops very mild scleral icterus. On physical examination, he has minimal right upper quadrant tenderness. Laboratory findings include a serum AST of 68U/L, ALT 75U/L, and total bilirubin 5.l mg/dL. The increase in this patient’s serum enzyme levels most likely results from which of the following changes in the hepatocytes? A 60-year-old woman developed chest pain that persisted for 4 hours. A radiographic imaging procedure showed an apparent myocardial infarction involving a 3×4 cm area of the posterior left ventricular free wall. Laboratory findings showed serum creatine kinase of 600 U/L. The patient received both anti-arrhythmic and pressor agents to treat the decreased cardiac output while in the hospital. Which of the following pathologic findings would most likely be seen in the left ventricle l month later? A 52-year-old woman with no major medical problems takes a long airplane flight across the Pacific Ocean. Upon arrival at Sydney’s Kingsford Smith airport following the flight from Los Angeles, she cannot put her shoes back on. There is no pain or tenderness. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this phenomenon? A 22-year-old man develops marked right lower quadrant abdominal pain over the past day. On physical examination there is rebound tenderness on palpation over the right lower quadrant. Laparoscopic surgery is performed, and the appendix is swollen, erythematous, and partly covered by a yellowish exudate. It is removed, and a microscopic section shows infiltration with numerous neutrophils. The pain experienced by this patient is predominantly the result of which of the following two chemical mediators?  A:Local excision B:Endoscopic forceps C:Deep organ puncture D:Scratching      E:All the other options are included 答案: All the other options are included A:Dispersion of ribosomes B:Autophagy by lysosomes  C:Swelling of the mitochondria  D:Clumping of nuclear chromatin  E:Defects in the cell membrane 答案: Defects in the cell membrane A:Abscess  B:Complete resolution C:Coagulative necrosis D:Nodular regeneration E:Fibrous scar 答案: Fibrous scar A:Activation of Hageman factor has led to bradykinin production.  B:A lot of drinks were served in the first class section.  C:Femoral vein thrombosis developed.  D:A cellulitis developed in her legs. E:Venous hydrostatic pressure became increased.  答案: Venous hydrostatic pressure became increased.  A:Complement C3b and IgG  B:Interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor C:Histamine and serotonin D:Prostaglandin and bradykinin  E:Leukotriene and HPETE 答案: Prostaglandin and bradykinin 


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