It is established by the law that English is the official language of the United Kingdom.In the late 9th century, the Da



It is established by the law that English is the official language of the United Kingdom.In the late 9th century, the Danes or Scandinavians began to attack the English coast.Henry I gave charters to towns and he let London elect its own sheriff.Henry Ⅱ is best remembered for his reform of ________.The First Civil War in Britain lasted for ________ years.The British Empire began with the founding of Newfoundland in 1583,The East India Company was given right to enlist army, enforce law and declare war and make peace in India.Throughout  the 1980s, an extensive program of privatization in the UK was carried out, with many state-owned businesses, such as ________.A:对 B:错 答案: 错A:对 B:错 答案: 错A:对 B:错 答案: 对A: courts B: land C: laws D: religion 答案:  courts; lawsA: 3 B: 4 C: 5 D: 6 答案:  4A:对 B:错 答案: 对A:对 B:错 答案: 对A:aerospace


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