中国大学mooc慕课职业综合英语(深圳职业技术学院) 答案


Unit 1 Organization(Project:Introducing a Company)组织(项目:介绍公司) Test 1

1、 Task 1 Complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.The secretary introduced a new ____ to all the colleagues at the office this morning.

答案: employee

2、 The only _ that may defeat him has decided to quit in the election.

答案: candidate

3、 Our group won the first prize under the ___ of the teacher.

答案: leadership

4、 They may employ her for the vacant position of Chief  ____ Officer.

答案: Executive

5、 Jim was so tired that he could not work  ______.

答案: any longer

6、 As soon as the observer saw what the children were doing, and noticed they could not accomplish the ____ task, she would attempt to help.

答案: appointed

7、 A well-written composition calls for good choice of words and clear ____ among other things.

答案: organization

8、 American women were denied the right to __ until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

答案: vote

9、 David’s efforts to ____ a settlement were ended in vain.

答案: bring about   

10、 Who is the likely _______ to him as a group leader?

答案: successor

11、 The lawyer said Sally understood the ____ of her action and was ready to get punishment.

答案: consequence

12、 We can’t ______ with the project until we get the permission from our manager.

答案: go ahead

13、 _____ studies are beginning to place greater emphasis on environmental protection.

答案: Current

14、 They need a person of ___ to be their CEO and speed up the reforms.

答案: vision

15、 She has been absent from work for a week ___ illness.

答案: due to

16、 We have to accept the __ that there is not enough money to pay for this project.

答案: reality

17、 Some plants are so ____ to pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.

答案: sensitive

18、 It was __ that this matter be considered at next meeting.

答案: proposed

19、  Humor has been well ___ as thinking in fun while feeling in relaxation.

答案: defined

20、 Many scientists are judged ___ how great their achievements are.

答案: in terms of

21、 Task 2    Fill in each blank with the proper form of the words or phrases given in brackets.We are working hard __ (bring about) closer economic connections with the EU.
答案: to bring about

22、 It was only later that I __ (realize) my mistake.
答案: realized

23、 The leader insisted that this organization __ (campaign) against environmental pollution.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)campaign;
should campaign

24、 The warming of the Earth and the __ (consequence) climate changes affect us all.
答案: consequent

25、 Your clothes are often a __ (reflect) of your personality.
答案: reflection

26、 Society is now much more 
_ (diversity) than ever before.

答案: diverse

27、 This __ (propose) is hardly worth serious consideration.
答案: proposal

28、 Some people like to __ (innovation) the old systems and traditions; while others like to preserve them.
答案: innovate

29、 _____ (appoint) to represent the child, the lawyer quickly started working for the case.
答案: Appointed

30、  _____ (enhance) the reputation of our company globally, we should step into the international market.
答案: To enhance

31、 Writing 
Task 1 Match each of the English terms with its Chinese equivalent. (英汉搭配题的答案格式:左边英语和右边汉语搭配,每个题号后,只填 1个与之对 应的大写字母 )
  31. candidate                                          A. 后果
  32. successor                                          B. 利益相关者
  33. innovation                                        C. 首席执行官
  34. organization                                     D. 构想
  35. diversity                                            E. 发起运动
  36. leadership                                         F.  多样性
  37. stakeholder                                       G. 领导
  38. consequence                                     H. 继任者
  39. campaign                                           I.  候选人
  40. vision                                                 J.  组织
  41. employee                                          K.  创新
  42. CEO                                                   L.  雇员

答案: I

32、  雇员第32题successor对应的1个字母:
答案: H

33、  雇员第33题innovation对应的 1个字母:
答案: K

34、  雇员第34题organization对应的1个字母:
答案: J

35、  雇员第35题diversity对应的1个字母:
答案: F

36、  雇员第36题leadership对应的1个字母:
答案: G

37、  雇员第37题stakeholder对应的1个字母:
答案: B

38、  雇员第38题consequence对应的1个字母:
答案: A

39、 雇员第39题campaign对应的1个字母:
答案: E

40、  雇员第40题vision对应的1个字母:
答案: D

41、 雇员第41题employee对应的1个字母:
答案: L

42、 雇员第42题CEO对应的1个字母:
答案: C


Unit 2 Office(Project:Organizing a Meeting)办公室(项目:组织会议) Test 2

1、 Task 1    Complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.The reporter is giving a simple but    speech.

答案: impressive 

2、 If urban noise levels    from increasing, people    shout to be heard even at dinner.

答案: are not kept; will have to   

3、 The actress won’t    how old she is.

答案: reveal

4、 The new bridge    at the end of last month.

答案: had been designed

5、 All the neighbors showed great    for her misfortune.

答案: sympathy   

6、 Every possible means    , but none proves successful.

答案: has been tried

7、     I warned him not to cheat in the final exam, he did, and was caught by the schoolmaster.

答案: Although 

8、 Dr. Bethune began to work the    he arrived at the front.

答案: moment   

9、 He would not fail so long as he    this term.

答案: studied hard  

10、 My aunt likes to go for a picnic in the country,    in spring.

答案: especially   

11、 Hardly    the bell    when the teacher came in.

答案: had; rung

12、 Students are required to write in a style    to their subject when writing compositions.

答案: appropriate      

13、 Each page of the accounts needed    again.

答案:  to be checked

14、 Her habit of tapping her fingers on the desk while reading the newspapers    him.

答案:  irritated      

15、 The secretary had no more letters    ; she began to put all the letters in envelopes.

答案:  to type    

16、 Most living beings    the sun for their growth.

答案: depend on       

17、 My little sister    watch TV until she finishes her homework.

答案: can’t

18、 The group members made a(n)    to finish the work on time.

答案:  effort     

19、 It is wise    Mark    his teacher’s advice.

答案: of; to follow     

20、 You didn’t really see it, because it was just your    .

答案: imagination   

21、  Task 2    Fill in each blank with the proper form of the words or phrases given below.sharenerveoperatespaceconcentrationbehavesort outtraditiontend tofind  Her                    reflects her indifferent attitude to the new member of staff.
答案: behavior

22、 You have to                   the missing dictionary within a month.
答案: find

23、 The doctor insisted on                 on the patient although there was little hope.
答案: operating

24、 The new employee wishes the others                   the computer with him.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)shared;
would share

25、 No matter how difficult it proves to be, Joe keeps                      problems on her own.
答案: sorting out

26、 Jim feels                  when he faces so many people in the meeting room.
答案: nervous

27、 The dining hall of our school is clean, bright and ‍                 
答案: spacious

28、 You should                        on the road when you’re driving.
答案: concentrate

29、 My art teacher is good at drawing ‍                    ‍ Chinese paintings.
答案: traditional

30、 It                        rain here a lot in summer.
答案: tends to

31、 Writing  Task 1    Match each of the English terms with its Chinese equivalent. (英汉搭配题的答案格式:左边英语和右边汉语搭配,每个题号后,只填 1个与之对 应的大写字母 )         31. teleconferenceA. 管理层会议        32. the management meetingB. 产品发布会        33. videoconferenceC. 董事会议        34. senior secretaries’ meetingD. 高级秘书会议        35. news conferenceE. 新闻发布会        36. the board meetingF. 电话会议        37. daily office meetingG. 视频会议        38. new product launch conferenceH. 公司例会第31题teleconference对应的1个字母:
答案: F

32、 32题the management meeting对应的1个字母:
答案: A

33、  33题videoconference对应的1个字母:
答案: G

34、 34题 senior secretaries’ meeting对应的1个字母:
答案: D

35、  35题 news conference对应的1个字母:
答案: E

36、  36题the board meeting对应的1个字母:
答案: C

37、 第37题daily office meeting对应的1个字母:
答案: H

38、  第38题new product launch conference对应的1个字母:
答案: B


Unit 3 Business Meals Test 3

1、 Task 1    Complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. She performs the songs with              and flair.

答案:  style

2、 Is it the air-conditioner your aunt wants               ?

答案:  to have repaired

3、 Mr. Smith                the foreign guests around our institute yesterday morning.

答案: conducted

4、 Natalie is too young to                   in the house without a babysitter.

答案:  be left

5、 —Do you realize what his words                    ?—No, I feel his words are quite strange.

答案: imply

6、 If a baby bird stays                 for two or three weeks after leaving the nest, it has a fair chance of becoming an adult.

答案:  alive

7、 Mr. Black’s refusal was worded in such a                  way that we could not be offended.

答案: graceful

8、 We will not attack                    we are attacked; if attacked, we will certainly counter-attack.

答案:  unless

9、 Peter stayed home to keep his wife                this weekend.

答案: company

10、 We arrived at the station ‍             late, or we‍              the train.

答案: much too; would have caught

11、 Traffic is               along the roads to the scenic spot.

答案: building up

12、 The children can take ‍                 story book they like.

答案: whichever

13、 To his satisfaction, everything‍ ‍                   well in the experiment.

答案: turned out

14、 Once environmental damage                     , it takes long time for the ecosystem ( 生态系统 )to recover.

答案: is done

15、 I think Jason is too                to let the chance slip.

答案: intelligent

16、 A burning cigarette he threw into the wastepaper basket ‍                    fire to the hotel.

答案: set

17、 Mum had no‍                   of my uncle’s arriving so that she didn’t prepare any food.

答案: news

18、 Michelle’s father, as well as her mother,                in New York for a few more days.

答案:  suggests she stay

19、 Many tourists agreed with the guide that there is some time set aside on the schedule for              every evening.

答案: entertainment

20、 Arnold searched high and low in order to find a                 collection of ancient Greek art.

答案: representative

21、 Task 2           Fill in each blank with the proper form of the words or phrases given in   brackets.The situation in that country has become ‍                (increase) tense in the last week.
答案: increasingly

22、 She said she‍                 (hold) a cocktail party for her company in a week.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)would hold;
was going to hold

23、 Dick won a prize for good                        (behave) at kindergarten.
答案: behavior

24、 He might not cheat you in the deal if you  ‍                    (see him through) this time.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)saw him through;
were going to see him through

25、 He won’t attend the breakfast meeting for fear that it                (last) for more than two hours.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)last;
should last

26、 Paul is ‍                   (confidence) that we can overcome the difficulties.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)confident;

27、 The bright student is a                  (mastery) of his time.
答案: master

28、 No permission has                     (give) for anybody to use the silverware.
答案: been given

29、 When he turned the corner, he found himself                    (follow) by a man in black.
答案: followed

30、 It is proper that you ___ (concentrate on) the chairman’s speech in such a formal meeting.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)concentrate on;
should concentrate on

31、 Writing  Task 1    Put the following sentences into a right order so as to form an invitation letter.(答案格式:数字间不空格,如123456)  Invitation for Shenzhen Electronic Show 1、Please don’t hesitate to let us know your flight details when you fix your schedule, so that we can arrange people to pick you up at the airport.2、Best regards.3、We are looking forward to seeing you soon.4、Our booth number is DK085.5、This is to inform you that our company will attend the Shenzhen Electronic Show held at the Shenzhen Exhibition Center from June 15 to June 25.6、After the show, we can also have a further business discussion.7、You are most welcome to come over here to take a look.  Answer: ‍                                                                                                                           
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)5476132;
5 4 7 6 1 3 2

32、 Writing  Task 1    Put the following sentences into a right order so as to form an invitation letter.(填写答案时不需任何字符隔开,如:123456)  Invitation for Shenzhen Electronic Show 1、Please don’t hesitate to let us know your flight details when you fix your schedule, so that we can arrange people to pick you up at the airport.2、Best regards.3、We are looking forward to seeing you soon.4、Our booth number is DK085.5、This is to inform you that our company will attend the Shenzhen Electronic Show held at the Shenzhen Exhibition Center from June 15 to June 25.6、After the show, we can also have a further business discussion.7、You are most welcome to come over here to take a look.  Answer: ‍                                                                                                                           
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)5476132;









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