中国大学mooc慕课 国际化英语(雅思读写)(南京航空航天大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


1.The structure of IELTS writing 1.5 Quiz on the structure of IELTS writing

1、 Questions 1-5: The sentences in each question are listed randomly. Please choose the most logical arrangement from the four choices, A, B, C and D. Question 1:        1. It is hard to conceive of a world without banks, partly because they are so visible. Picture the horizon of any big city, and the skyscrapers in view are usually banks.2. Morgan Stanley looms over Times Square; Bank of America over Bryant Park. 3. Commuters emerge from Grand Central station in New York in the shadow of the Park Avenue base of JP Morgan Chase. 4. In Singapore the top floors of the offices of Standard Chartered and UOB house rooftop bars looking out over the entire city.5. Even in places like Auckland, Mexico City or Jakarta, the logos adorning the tallest buildings are those of ANZ, BBVA or HSBC.6. In London the skyline is dominated by oddshaped towers in the City and Canary Wharf. 

答案: 1-3-2-6-4-5

2、 Question 2: 1. Technological change means nearly all payments are settled digitally, rather than with notes or cheques. And banks are also bigger. 2. The total assets of the world’s biggest 1,000 banks were worth some $128trn in 2020, dwarfing annual global gross product of $84.5trn.3. Much has changed about banking since Bagehot’s day. 4. The biggest banks were in London; now they are in New York, Beijing and Tokyo.

答案: 3-4-1-2

3、 Question 3: 1. They are shredded separately in special machines filled with liquids or gases that suppress combustion.2. But lithium-ion batteries, the type used in electric vehicles, are inflammable, so need careful handling.3. Generally speaking, electrical waste is shredded in bulk before it is sorted and  re­processed.The result, called “black mass”, is then processed to extract its valuable components.

答案: 3-2-1-4

4、 Question 4:1. But there is still a long way to go. 2. That may be up from 17% in 2016, but still leaves a lot of mothers uncovered.3. Only 27% of American employers offered paid parental leave in 2019.4. A survey of female tech­industry employees in 2018 found that 44% of women who had taken maternity leave had taken off less time than their entitlement because they thought a longer break would damage their careers.5. Even where leave is available, many women don’t take full advantage.

答案: 1-3-2-5-4

5、 Question 5:1. They still struggle with guilt.2. Worse still, female employees routinely toiling more than 60 hours a week were more than three times as likely to develop heart disease, cancer or diabetes than those on a conventional 40­hour schedule.3. Unsurprisingly, a study found that chronic stress levels are 40% higher in women who are employed and bringing up two children than in childless working women.4. One executive was on the phone with an important client in her locked office, only for an impatient toddler to bang on the door and repeatedly scream,“You don’t love me.”5. Working mothers are still overloaded.6. Mothers who are employed full­time spend nearly two­thirds more of their day feeding, bathing and caring for their children (under six) than their employed husbands do.

答案: 5-6-1-4-3-2

6、 Question 3: 1. They are shredded separately in special machines filled with liquids or gases that suppress combustion.2. But lithium-ion batteries, the type used in electric vehicles, are inflammable, so need careful handling.3. Generally speaking, electrical waste is shredded in bulk before it is sorted and  re­processed.The result, called “black mass”, is then processed to extract its valuable components.

答案: 3-2-1-4

2. Cohesion 2.5 Quiz

1、 Questions 1-5: Please choose the most appropriate conjunctive.Questions 1Being young is not a sufficient factor for disregarding the sentencing principles. It is no secret to most lawyers that the courts, under the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance, prefer to mete out lighter sentences for young offenders like community service over immediate imprisonment. The corollary of this practice, however, actually renders youths more vulnerable. Criminal organizations aware of this approach prey on the young by engaging them in unlawful activities with the promise of quick money. _______, even if they are caught red-handed, a light sentence is almost assured.

B:After all
D:As a result
答案: After all

2、 Questions 2A doctor choosing to pursue the licensing examination would expect instructional support and a clear syllabus to prepare for the examination. ____, from a lack of transparency on the content examined to inadequate revision materials, the examination support measures are barely cutting it.

B:In contrast
D:What’s more
答案: However

3、 Questions 3    Appearance anxiety means that many people are not confident enough about their appearance in a social environment that magnifies their looks. ______,  many people turn to plastic surgery, wishing to become more beautiful, although the definition of beauty is evaluated by others, not by oneself. Yet they may not fully consider the risks they could face during surgery. 

B:For instance
C:Due to
D:In addition
答案: Therefore

4、 Questions 4Obesity is one of the most complex public health challenges we face. It does not have a single cause. The reasons for it are wide-ranging. But ______, it is a social challenge. It is about education and social norms for eating and exercise. It is about how food companies formulate their products, how they are labeled and advertised, and how they are priced and displayed in shops.

A:after all
B:above all
答案: above all

5、 Questions 5    Pre-pandemic, most businesses saw the office as a place where individuals could get work done. Post-pandemic, the office will only secondarily be a place to carry out tasks or engage in routine meetings, especially for knowledge workers. They will be able to do much of that from home, thanks to the growing functionality of information and communication technologies. _____, employees will increasingly be working in what we call the hybrid office — moving between a home work space and a traditional office building. The latter will become primarily a culture space, providing workers with a social anchor, facilitating connections, enabling learning, and fostering unscripted, innovative collaboration.

A:As a result
答案: As a result

3. Coherence 3.5 Quiz

1、 Questions 1-5Arrange the sentences in logical order to form a coherent paragraph. Question 11 One of the main ingredients in ice cream is water, mostly in the form of microscopic ice crystals. 2 Large crystals create a grainy texture, whereas smaller crystals — as little as blood cells — make it velvety smooth.3 The size of those crystals plays a big role in ice cream quality.  4 So how do ice cream makers keep the little ice nuggets from growing larger than a dozen micrometers?

答案: 1-3-2-4

2、 Question 21 But before I did some research, I had no idea what kind of “chip” is referred to here, or what it would be doing on anyone’s shoulder.2 English has many idioms that have lost their original context. 3 I knew that the idiom described “a sense of inferiority characterized by a quickness to take offence,” as Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang puts it.4 To me, a chip on one’s shoulder is a prime example.

答案: 2-4-3-1

3、 Question 31 The second group comprises nimble and cash­generative low­cost carriers that fly on a multitude of regional routes.2 The first is the full­service network airline which, like beaten­up rivals, offers long­ and short-haul routes but which also, crucially, caters to a huge domestic market.3 Amid the uncertainty, two categories of carrier can expect to prosper.





答案: 3-2-1

4、 Question 41 Solar and wind installations use more copper than their fossil­fuel counterparts, and electric vehicles contain four times more copper than do cars with combustion engines. 2 More will be required in coming decades, to meet the need for widespread electrification brought about by the transition to less carbon­intensive economies. 3 They hammered it into jewellery and ornaments as much as 11,000 years ago. 4 Copper is an essential part of batteries, motors and charging equipment. 5 Today, Homo sapiens uses more than 20m tonnes of the stuff a year, much of it in buildings and electrical infrastructure. 6 Copper was the first metal worked by human beings.

答案: 6-3-5-2-4-1

5、 Question 51 Furthermore, the plan is to join the two original buildings together, creating a shorter path that links the buildings only.2 By 2024, it is expected that there will be 1000 pupils, and a third building will have been constructed.3 In 2004, there were 600 pupils attending the school, and the two school buildings were separated by a path running from the main entrance to the sports field.

答案: 3-2-1







中国大学mooc慕课 国际化英语(雅思读写)(南京航空航天大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 国际化英语(雅思读写)(南京航空航天大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





中国大学mooc慕课 国际化英语(雅思读写)(南京航空航天大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

