中国大学mooc慕课 综合英语(中南大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


Unit 1 Ethnic Identity 种族认同 Unit 1 单元测试

1、 The desire for peace political differences.

答案: transcended

2、 Which festival is held on the first full moon of the lunar year?

答案: The Lantern Festival

3、 Are you extroverted or ?

答案: introverted

4、 who travel to Peking will see many historic sites about which they have read.

答案: Those

5、 A flashing yellow light caution.

答案: denotes

6、 Is it to promote cigarettes through advertising?

答案: ethical

7、 What can be used to distinguish people of one ethnic group from another?

答案: Languages;
Clothing styles;
Cultural traits;

8、 At Double Ninth Festival, what do people usually do?

答案: They pay respect to old people.;
They enjoy the flourishing chrysanthemum.

9、 Is the following sentence effective? Having played football for three hours, his homework was not finished.

答案: 错误
分析:His homework不是having played football的逻辑主语

10、 Every ethnic group has a way of determining or expressing membership.

答案: 正确

11、 The Qingming Festival is a festival of commemoration.

答案: 正确

12、 Is the following sentence coherent?A man is usually judged not only by what he says but also by his deeds.

答案: 错误
分析:“what he says” and “his deeds”不是平行结构。

13、 Zhuang has the largest population of minority ethnic groups.

答案: 正确

14、 The desire for peace political differences.

答案: transcended

15、 At Double Ninth Festival, what do people usually do?

答案: They pay respect to old people.

16、 A flashing yellow light caution.

答案: denotes

17、 What can be used to distinguish people of one ethnic group from another?

答案: Languages;
Clothing styles;
Cultural traits

18、 Is the following sentence effective? Having played basketball for three hours, his dinner is cold.

答案: 错误

19、 At Double Ninth Festival, what do people usually do?

答案: They pay respect to old people.

20、 A flashing yellow light caution.

答案: denotes

21、 Is the following statement True or False?Every ethnic group has a way of determining or expressing membership.

答案: 正确
分析:每个民族都有自己确定或表达成员身份的方式。 表述准确

22、 Do you know the girl is introverted or ?

答案: extroverted

23、 who travel to Xi’an will see many historic sites about which they have read.

答案: Those

24、 A very high temperature often a serious illness.

答案: denotes

25、 Which of the following sentences are coherent?

答案: She was knocked down by a bicycle, but was not badly hurt.;
When trying to lose weight, you should avoid all snacks.

26、 The sentence “On seeing the old photo, my childhood came back to my memory.” is effective.

答案: 错误

27、 If a modifier has nothing to logically modify in a sentence, it is called a dangling modifier.

答案: 正确

28、 Miao has the largest population of minority ethnic groups.

答案: 错误

29、 With guidance from the Chinese government, the minorities in areas that have been given regional autonomy are entitled to deal with their own affairs.

答案: 正确

30、 The desire for peace political differences.

答案: transcended

31、 Do you know the girl is introverted or ?

答案: extroverted

32、 It is found that her account of events does not with yours.

答案: correspond

33、 The of a person or place is the characteristics that distinguish them from others. (请填写一个单词,单词的首字母为i)
答案: identity


Unit 2 Advice to Youth 给青年人的忠告 Unit 2 单元测试

1、 She was reluctant to her ignorance.

答案: confess

2、 He made efforts to be the top student in the class.

答案: unceasing

3、 The young ought to be in the use of this great art.

答案: temperate

4、 They are particularly to him for his timely help.

答案: grateful

5、 Which is the right English translation of “不入虎穴,焉得虎子”?

答案: Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

6、 No sooner _ than it began to rain heavily.

答案: had the game begun

7、 As Aristotle said, good habits formed at youth make all the .

答案: difference

8、 Which of the following statements about Mark Twain is True?

答案: Mark Twain is regarded as the founder of American critical realism literature.;
Mark Twain was called “the father of American literature”.;
Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

9、 Which of the following words are indirect negative words?

答案: absence;

10、 Please decide whether the following E-C translation is Right or Wrong. One is never too old to learn. 一个人太老就不能学习了。

答案: 错误

11、 According to The Classic of Tea written by Lu Yu, tea as a beverage originated with Shennong.

答案: 正确

12、 Green tea belongs to fermented tea and contains the least caffeine content.

答案: 错误

13、 Please decide whether the following E-C translation is Right or Wrong.He is new to the work. 他第一次干这个工作。

答案: 错误

14、 He made efforts to be the top student in the class.

答案: unceasing

15、 The prisoner refused to his crime.

答案: confess

16、 Which of the following statements about Mark Twain is True?

答案: Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.;
Mark Twain was called“the father of American literature”.;
Mark Twain is regarded as the founder of American critical realism literature.

17、 Decide the E-C translation is Right or False: I can’t agree with you more. 我不同意你的意见。

答案: 错误

18、 According to the Classic of Tea written by Lu Yu, tea as a beverage originated with Shennong.

答案: 正确
分析:根据陆羽的《茶经》,茶作为一种饮料起源于神农。 准确

19、 The prisoner refused to his crime.

答案: confess

20、 Which of the following statements about Mark Twain is True?

答案: Mark Twain is regarded as the founder of American critical realism literature.;
Mark Twain was called“the father of American literature”.;
Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

21、 Please decide whether the following E-C translation is Right or Wrong.I can’t agree with you more. 我不同意你的意见。

答案: 错误

22、 We’ll our discussion to the main issue.

答案: confine

23、 The girl made efforts to be the top student in the class.

答案: unceasing

24、 Don’t let credit you to buy something you can’t afford.

答案: tempt

25、 We would be for any information you can give us.

答案: grateful

26、 Which is the right English translation of “不劳而获”?

答案: No pains, no gains.

27、 Please remember: you be too careful in proofreading.

答案: can not

28、 Which of the following statements about Mark Twain are not True?

答案: Many of Mark Twain’s great works were set in the background of the Amazon River.;
Mark Twain was called “the father of British literature”.

29、 Please decide whether the following E-C translation is Right or Wrong.Let sleeping dog lie. 直言不讳。

答案: 错误

30、 Tea can be classified by procedure, quality, preparation methods, and so on.

答案: 正确

31、 Chinese tea is believed to have first started with Chinese Emperor Shennong (Yandi), and flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties.

答案: 正确

32、 Please decide whether the following E-C translation is Right or Wrong.This is the last straw. 我失去机会了。

答案: 错误

33、 Advice to Youth written by Mark Twain is a classic example of humour.

答案: 错误

34、 You’d better the discussion to the main issue in the conference.

答案: confine

35、 She is extremely to all the teachers for their help.

答案: grateful

36、 Which of the following statements about Mark Twain are True?

答案: Mark Twain is regarded as the founder of American critical realism literature.;
Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens.

37、 If a person (冒犯)you, do not resort to extreme measures.(提示:请填写一个动词,首字母为o)
答案: offends

Unit 3 Love and Care 关怀和爱 Unit 3 单元测试

1、 The girl slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without her parents’ .

答案: consent

2、 She called the agency several times to about job possibilities.

答案: inquired

3、 Most people no longer of smoking in public places.

答案: approve

4、 With the help of the government, a large number of people the earthquake ten years ago.

答案: survived

5、 These Regulations shall not apply to aliens who in the People’s Republic of China.

答案: reside

6、 The government _ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the flood victims.

答案: awarded

7、 Chinese painting was called in ancient China.

答案: ink painting

8、 I’d like to take of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts.

答案: advantage

9、 He didn’t live up to had been expected of him.

答案: what

10、 Though he didn’t answer my questions quickly, the look on his face ____ that he was satisfied with me.

答案: indicated

11、 What are the common ways of paraphrasing?

答案: To use synonyms.;
To change the sentence structure. ;
To change parts of speech.

12、 What does the word “charity” mean?

答案: Providing help or relief to the poor and needy.;
Benevolence or generosity toward others and toward humanity.;
An organization that facilitates charity benefiting people in need.;
The act of giving our money, time or resources to others without expecting a reciprocation or a direct return.

13、 Traditional Chinese paintings combine fine art, poetry, calligraphy, and seal engraving to achieve an artistic unison.

答案: 正确

14、 We may give a lot of quotations in an essay to show that we are learned and brilliant.

答案: 错误

15、 The drawing skills and techniques employed by the Chinese painters can be divided into two forms: fine brushwork and free-hand brushwork.

答案: 正确

16、 The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents’ _____.

答案: consent

17、 She about the library’s rare books collection.

答案: inquired

18、 The boy slipped out of the room and headed for the swimming pool without his parents’ .

答案: consent

19、 The man called the company several times to about job possibilities.

答案: inquired

20、 Children under 16 cannot give to medical treatment.

答案: consent

21、 The woman called the company several times to about job possibilities.

答案: inquired

22、 We don’t of violence in any shape or form.

答案: approve

23、 With the help of the government, a large number of people the earthquake and rebuilt their homes.

答案: survived

24、 I’m afraid this painting is not by Picasso. It’s only a copy and so it’s .

答案: worthless

25、 The government _ the soldier a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the flood victims.

答案: awarded

26、 I’m going to take of this tour to explore the history of the city.

答案: advantage

27、 The man didn’t live up to had been expected of him.

答案: what

28、 A survey of retired people has that most of them are independent and enjoying life.

答案: indicated

29、 The girl _ to study harder in the future so that she could have more opportunities to find a better job.

答案: resolved

30、 These Regulations shall not apply to aliens and stateless persons who in the People’s Republic of China.

答案: reside

Unit 4 Is Your Food Safe?你的食品安全吗? Unit 4 单元测试

1、 In present-day Mandarin, jiǔ most commonly refers to .

答案: liquor and spirits

2、 When you consider what subject to study in college, are that you and your parents will think what you can make out of it after graduation.

答案: chances

3、 There is no _ evidence that people can control their dreams.

答案: solid

4、 If you tend to regularly suffer from a certain symptom like headache, be sure to keep in store the __ medicine to take care of the issue as soon as it starts.

答案: appropriate

5、 The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have _ supplies of petroleum.

答案: sufficient

6、 Vitamins are complex __ that the body requires in very small amounts.

答案: substances

7、 Our country has launched a for healthy styles living.

答案: campaign

8、 The local government tried its best to ensure each of its citizens a ___ supply of food at regular intervals.

答案: consistent

9、 Everyone is amazed at the ____ growth of this city. It has been so different from what it was five years ago.

答案: explosive

10、 The ____ of this recipe was made public one year after it was put into the market.

答案: formula

11、 What are the components of problem-solution essays?

答案: Situation ;
Problem ;
Solution ;

12、 What factors may influence food safety?

答案: fertilizer usage;
abuse of antibiotics;
soil pollution;
water pollution

13、 What are functions of wine and spirits?

答案: To keep good health.;
To celebrate triumph.;
To show respect to ancestor and gods.

14、 Wang Xizhi, Chinese famous calligrapher, accomplished Lantingxu when he was clear-minded.

答案: 错误

15、 The famous poet Du Fu of the Tang Dynasty is known as the “immortal of wine”.

答案: 错误

16、 When you consider what subject to study in college, are that you and your parents will think what you can make out of it after graduation.

答案: chances

17、 There is no _ evidence that people can control their dreams.

答案: solid

18、 What factors can influence food safety?

答案: Fertilizer usage.;
Abuse of antibiotics.;
Soil pollution.;
Water pollution.

19、 Wang Xizhi, Chinese famous calligrapher, accomplished Lantingxu when he was clear minded.

答案: 错误
错误 王羲之在醉酒状态下完成《兰亭序》最好的版本。

20、 The text “Microbes and Food Safety” is organized in the way of problem-solution pattern, which in some ways is similar to cause and effect essays, especially in terms of structure.

答案: 正确
分析:题干:文章“细菌与食品安全”属于解决问题写作模式。解决问题类文章某些方面和因果类文章相似,特别是结构方面。 正确

21、 In present-day Mandarin, jiǔ most commonly refers to .

答案: wine and spirits

22、 When you consider what subject to study in college, are that you and your parents will think what you can make out of it after graduation.

答案: chances

23、 Wang Xizhi, Chinese famous calligrapher, accomplished Lantingxu when he was clear minded.

答案: 错误

24、 are that you’ll meet at least one lifelong friend when you study in a university.

答案: chances

25、 A fire engine must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of .

答案: emergency

26、 The country has launched a for healthy styles living.

答案: campaign

27、 The local government tried its best to ensure each of its citizens a supply of food at regular intervals.

答案: consistent

28、 Everyone is amazed at the growth of this city. It has been so different from what it was five years ago.

答案: explosive

29、 They’re trying to work out a peace acceptable to both sides in the dispute.

答案: formula

30、 The only safe way of distinguishing between edible and poisonous mushrooms is to learn to the individual species.

答案: identify

31、 Which of the following factors may influence food safety?

答案: fertilizer usage;
abuse of antibiotics;
soil pollution;
water pollution

32、 The block structure and the chain structure are two main ways to structure a problem-solution essay.

答案: 正确

33、 The text “Microbes and Food Safety” is organized in the way of problem-solution pattern.

答案: 正确

34、 People with the virus may feel perfectly well, but they can still others.(填写一个单词,首字母为i,意思是“传染;感染”)
答案: infect

Unit 5 The Gender-Role Revolution 性别角色革命 Unit 5 单元测试

1、 This insurance company insures many different kinds of things and doesn‘t ‍ ‍ itself to one thing.

答案: confine

2、 One needs a password to get ‍ ‍ to the computer system.

答案: access

3、 Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of culture.

答案: Buddhist

4、 Everyone in the class is expected to actively in these discussions.

答案: participate

5、 ___, what you came up with is feasible.

答案: To some extent

6、 It is only in the last 100 years that there has been a in the perception of women’s roles.

答案: shift

7、 In patriarchal societies men were the decision makers in both the family and in society.

答案: principal

8、 Luckily everyone can from the policy.

答案: benefit

9、 Doctors are encouraged to to experts.

答案: defer

10、 The flight was postponed ‍ ‍ bad weather.

答案: on account of

11、 This school was not big enough to ‍ all the children.

答案: accommodate

12、 Out of over 500 staff there are just 10 that this category.

答案: fall into

13、 Which of the following words can be used to express cause and effect?

答案: Because ;
Since ;

14、 Why did our ancestors build the grottoes?

答案: To worship the Buddha.;
To practice Buddhism.;
To purify their spirits.

15、 Patriarchal society was a society ruled by women and women had access to education.

答案: 错误

16、 The Chinese Buddhist grottoes are regarded as a profound and stunning general art gallery, which are composed of architecture, painting, sculptures, etc.

答案: 正确

17、 Women are entering certain types of competition previously ____ to males.

答案: confined

18、 In patriarchal societies, men are treated with the greatest respect and have the greatest __ to education.

答案: access

19、 Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of culture.

答案: Buddhist

20、 Which of the following words can be used to express cause and effect?

答案: because ;
since ;
so ;

21、 Chinese grottoes mainly reflect the art of culture.

答案: Buddhist

22、 This insurance company insures many different kinds of things and doesn‘t itself to one thing.

答案: confine

23、 The facilities have been adapted to give to wheelchair users.

答案: access

24、 Luckily everyone can from the policy.

答案: benefit

25、 Doctors in that area were encouraged to to experts.

答案: defer

26、 The runway of this airport is undergoing expansion in order to large planes.

答案: accommodate

27、 If you do wrong, you severe punishment.

答案: deserve

28、 The flight was postponed bad weather.

答案: on account of;
because of

29、 Health officials have successfully the epidemic to this area.

答案: confined

30、 You need a password to get to the computer system.

答案: access

31、 ___, what you came up with is feasible.

答案: To some extent

32、 There was a __ in his attitude after the accident. He became a more cautious person.

答案: shift

33、 The book was kindly and favourably reviewed in the papers.

答案: principal

34、 It was good to see her finally reaping the of all her hard work.

答案: benefits

35、 No matter who you are, you should to whatever the committee decides.

答案: defer

36、 Our proposal tries to the special needs of minority groups.

答案: accommodate

37、 It is arguable that the majority of university students this category.

答案: fall into

38、 The proposals support because the needs of children should be given priority to.

答案: deserve

39、 His mother is the __ in his family; she goes to work and his dad takes care of his little brother.

答案: breadwinner

40、 Which of the following words can be used to express cause and effect?

答案: Consequently;
Since ;

41、 The flight was postponed the bad weather.

答案: on account of;
because of;
due to;
owing to

42、 In patriarchal societies,women were the decision makers in the family and in society.

答案: 错误

Unit 6 Media and Culture 媒体与文化 Unit 6 单元测试

1、 Which form that combined poem and prose appeared in the Han Dynasty?

答案: Han Fu

2、 Clothes and blankets have been among the refugees(难民).

答案: distributed

3、 The old man is very with his money and he is willing to help the poor.

答案: liberal

4、 The woman does a lot of work for the Red Cross in her spare time.

答案: voluntary

5、 Responsibility is one of the most important in a teacher.

答案: attributes

6、 In the following E-C translation, what type of Chinese adverbial clauses is used?We have built up a new college here, where students will be trained to be engineers and scientists.我们在这儿建了一所新大学,以便将学生培养成工程师和科学家。

答案: Chinese adverbial clause of purpose

7、 The little girl had to __ herself from crying out in pain.

答案: restrain

8、 reflects the yearning of an ethereal utopia where the people lead an ideal existence in harmony with nature.

答案: The Peach Blossom Spring

9、 They a rest after working hard for long time.

答案: deserve

10、 The great classical novels of China in Ming and Qing Dynasties include .

答案: The Water Margin;
Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
Journey to the West;
A Dream of Red Mansions

11、 Which of the following proses are philosophical proses?

答案: Tao Te Ching;
The Analects of Confucius

12、 What are the main writing techniques of The Book of Songs?

答案: narration;

13、 Decide the following statement is True or False:Chinese attributive is right-extending construction, while English attributive is left-extending one.

答案: 错误

14、 Opinions are statements that tell what really happened or what really is the case.

答案: 错误

15、 Decide the following statement is True or False:Sima Qian was the first historian who recorded and narrated historical events in the form of individual biographies.

答案: 正确

16、 Decide the E-C translation is True or False: Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with. 污染是一个压榨人的问题, 我们必须解决。

答案: 错误

17、 The Book of Songs is considered the pioneered romanticism in Chinese poetry.

答案: 错误

18、 Which form that combined poem and prose appeared in the Han Dynasty?

答案: Hanfu

19、 Clothes and blankets have been among the refugees(难民).

答案: distributed

20、 They a rest after all that hard work.

答案: deserve

21、 The great classical novels of China in Ming and Qing Dynasties include .

答案: The Water Margin;
Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
Journey to the West;
A Dream of Red Mansions

22、 Broadcast media transmit information electronically, via such media as film, radio, recorded music, or television.

答案: 正确
分析:题干:广播媒体通过电影、广播、唱片或电视等媒体以电子方式传播信息。 表达准确

23、 Which form that combined poem and prose appeared in the Han Dynasty?

答案: Hanfu

24、 Clothes and blankets have been among the refugees(难民).

答案: distributed

25、 Fiction is the main form of literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties.

答案: 正确
分析:题干:小说是明清两代文学的主要形式。 表达准确

26、 All students should be numerate and when they leave school.

答案: literate

27、 In the following E-C translation, what type of Chinese adverbial clauses is used?They have built up a new college here, where students will be trained to be engineers and scientists.他们在这儿建了一所新大学,以便将学生培养成工程师和科学家。

答案: Chinese adverbial clause of purpose

28、 The little boy had to __ himself from crying out in pain.

答案: restrain

29、 These people to make more than the minimum wage.

答案: deserve

30、 Decide the following statement is True or False:Chinese attributive is left-extending construction, while English attributive is right-extending one.

答案: 正确

31、 Decide the E-C translation is True or False: They used a plane of which almost every part carried some identification of national identity.他们驾驶的飞机几乎每一个部件都带有某些国籍的标志。

答案: 正确

32、 Aid workers helped corn, milk and other staples to the victims.

答案: distribute

33、 The work of the charity is funded by donations.

答案: voluntary

34、 Our television system is a business to the marketplace.

答案: attuned

35、 In the following E-C translation, what type of Chinese adverbial clauses is used?Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man. 尽管电子计算机有很多优点,但是它们不能进行创造性工作, 也不能代替人。

答案: Chinese adverbial clauses of concession

36、 The government is taking steps to inflation.

答案: restrain

37、 reflected the yearning of an ethereal utopia where the people lead an ideal existence in harmony with nature.

答案: The Peach Blossom Spring

38、 The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally to improvements in diet.

答案: attributed

39、 Which of the following noves were the great classical novels of China in Ming and Qing Dynasties?

答案: The Water Margin;
Romance of the Three Kingdoms;
Journey to the West

40、 Which of the following proses were philosophical proses?

答案: Tao Te Ching;
The Analects of Confucius

41、 What were the main writing techniques of The Book of Songs?

答案: narration;

42、 What services do Internet media comprise?

答案: Email;
Internet-based radio and television;
Social media sites

43、 The statement “The earth orbits the sun and the moon orbits the earth” is an opinion.

答案: 错误

44、 QR Code means Quick Response Code.

答案: 正确

45、 The Songs of Chu is considered a pioneer of romanticism in Chinese poetry.

答案: 正确

46、 The Book of Songs was the oldest existing collection of Chinese poetry and comprised more than 300 works, dating from early Western Zhou dynasty to the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period.

答案: 正确

47、 A is someone who does work without being paid for it because they want to do it. (请填写一个单词,首字母为v)
答案: volunteer

Unit 7 Affluenza 富贵病 Unit 7 单元测试

1、 The __ between money and happiness is weak.

答案: correlation

2、 How is Spartan life like?

答案: Life is reduced to the lowest terms.

3、 Objective life circumstances have a __ role to play in the theory of happiness.

答案: negligible

4、 Many cases have been detected and investigated in comparatively countries.

答案: well-off

5、 You can spend your time just on the things you find .

答案: worth doing

6、 The Scots appear no less than Americans.

答案: joyful

7、 Getting that job did a lot to her confidence.

答案: boost

8、 The man was half a year ago, and has been looking for work ever since.

答案: laid off

9、 Striking a balance between life and work is critical to improving people’s overall .

答案: well-being

10、 Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for her .

答案: morale

11、 In reality, we humans have an enormous to adapt to fame, fortue and affliction.

答案: capacity

12、 The four natures in Chinese traditional medicine refer to the properties of .

答案: coldness ;
heat ;
mildness ;

13、 Traditional Chinese medicine mainly consists of .

答案: plant medicine;
mineral medicine;
animal medicine

14、 Chinese herbal medicine is the same with traditional Chinese medicine.

答案: 错误

15、 The five flavors in Chinese traditional medicine refer to the properties of being“pungent, sour, sweet, bitter and spicy”.

答案: 错误

16、 The term “affluenza” combines two words: affluence and influenza.

答案: 正确

17、 Chinese herbal medicine is based on plant medicine.

答案: 正确

18、 The ______ between money and happiness is weak.

答案: correlation

19、 How is Spartan life like?

答案: Life is reduced to the lowest terms.

20、 Objective life circumstances have a role to play in the theory of happiness.

答案: negligible

21、 The four natures in Chinese traditional medicine refer to the properties of .

答案: coldness ;
heat ;

22、 Chinse herbal medicine is the same with traditional Chinese medicine.

答案: 错误

23、 The ____ between money and happiness is weak.

答案: correlation

24、 He spends his time just on the things he finds .

答案: worth doing

25、 Winning the competition was a wonderful boost for his .

答案: morale

26、 Limited resources are restricting our for developing new products.

答案: capacity

27、 Chinese herbal medicine is based on animal medicine.

答案: 错误

28、 Time will not our friendship.

答案: diminish

29、 The man spends all his time on the things he finds .

答案: worth doing

30、 The crowd boosted the of the runners.

答案: morale

31、 Limited resources have restricted their for developing new products.

答案: capacity

32、 Chinese herbal medicine is different from traditional Chinese medicine.

答案: 正确

33、 The term “affluenza” combines two words: and influenza.(请填写一个名词,单词首字母为a)
答案: affluence

Unit 8 The Road ahead 未来的路 Unit 8 单元测试

1、 The image “lotus” on Chinese porcelain represents ___.

答案: purity and harmony

2、 People often ask the journalists what gives them the courage to ___ into war zones and disaster areas to get a story.

答案: venture

3、 The phrase “arm crane” can be translated into .

答案: 悬臂起重机

4、 What is the metaphorical word in the sentence “Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.”?

答案: wrinkle

5、 The phrase “face shield” can be translated into .

答案: 面罩

6、 The computer automatically any files you have not saved.

答案: deletes

7、 He and his family have been forced to move out of that city partly because of .

答案: cyber-attacks

8、 He kept quiet about the accident lose his job.

答案: so as not to

9、 What’re the tips of online safety for teenagers according to the video?

答案: To use privacy controls.;
To protect the password.;
Don’t meet strangers you’ve met online.

10、 Which of the following are the stages of porcelain making?

答案: The Pottery Stage (the Neolithic Age);
Proto-porcelain Stage (the mid-Shang Dynasty);
Celadon Stage (the late Han Dynasty)

11、 The process of porcelain making includes forming, glazing and firing.

答案: 错误
表达错误。制作过程有4个,glazing(上釉)和firing(烧制)之间还有 decorating(装饰)。

12、 The phrase “twist drill ”can be translated into “麻花钻”.

答案: 正确

13、 As an important way of scientific word formation, semantic change tells us even a simple word can have different meanings in different context.

答案: 正确

14、 The image“lotus”on Chinese porcelain represents ____.

答案: purity and harmony

15、 People often ask the journalists what gives them the courage to ____ into war zones and disaster areas to get a story.

答案: venture

16、 Nothing , nothing gained.

答案: ventured

17、 The relationship between attorney and client is based on .

答案: confidentiality

18、 The process of porcelain making only includes forming, glazing and firing.

答案: 错误

19、 The image “lotus” on Chinese porcelain represents __.

答案: purity and harmony

20、 Your resume should your skills and achievements.

答案: highlight

21、 The phrase “twist drill” can be translated into .

答案: 麻花钻

22、 The woman and her family have been forced to move out of that city partly because of .

答案: cyber-attacks

23、 The man kept quiet about the accident lose his job.

答案: so as not to

24、 She accused them of leaking information about her private life.

答案: confidential

25、 Never download an e-mail attachment from an unknown source as it can your system to a virus.

答案: expose

26、 The phrase “foot screw” can be translated into .

答案: 地脚螺钉

27、 What are the tips of online safety for teenagers according to the video?

答案: To use privacy controls.;
To protect the password.;
Don’t meet strangers you’ve met online.

28、 The process of porcelain making includes forming, glazing, decorating and firing.

答案: 正确

29、 The phrase “arm crane ”can be translated into “悬臂起重机”.

答案: 正确







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