中国大学mooc慕课 现代邮政英语(ENGLISH FOR MODERN POSTAL SERVICE)(南京邮电大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


作业Unit 1 邮政历史 Assignment 1

1、 1.一说到美国西部人们就会想到牛仔。(be associated with)
评分规则: 1. Cowboys are always associated with the West.

2、 2.如果所有精妙的科技都消失,我们会怎么样呢?(what if)
评分规则: 2. What if we didn’t have all that fancy technology.

3、 3.小马快递公司想法设法让马匹的负重尽可能得轻。(go to great lengths to do sth.)
评分规则: 3. The Pony Express went to great lengths to keep its horses’ loads as light as possible.

4、 4.独立战争之后,和强大的各个州相比,联邦政府几乎起不到什么作用。(compared to)
评分规则: 4. After the revolution, compared to the powerful states, the federal government had few functions.

5、 5.说美国邮政发展史就是在讲美国历史。(nothing less than)
评分规则: 5. The history of its post office is nothing less than the story of America.

Unit 1 邮政历史 Test 1

1、 11. An__ of the post’s fundamental role in the creation of the United States requires a little knowledge of the problems faced by the colonies at that time.

答案: appreciation

2、 12. In 1691, to boost trade and ensure its control of North America, Britain__ a centralized postal system.

答案: authorized

3、 13. By the mid-eighteenth century, this__ network push thirteen quarrelsome provinces toward developing a new, independent-minded, egalitarian culture more American than British.

答案: rudimentary

4、 14. America’s first political cartoon__ in the newspaper.

答案: debuted

5、 15. Stamp Act is a law passed by the British Parliament in 1765 to raise__.

答案: revenue

6、 16. Meanwhile England__ and searched mail for seditious content.

答案: intercepted

7、 17. The awful roads developed the provinces’ sense of isolation and__.

答案: autonomy

8、 18. Transportation industry was also__ by government to carry the mail.

答案: subsidized

9、 19. They improved communications despite tough circumstances, laid down important__ for the frontier’s development, and also made vital contributions to preserving the Union.

答案: infrastructure

10、 20. The post fostered unique American culture of__ ideas and uncensored opinions.

答案: innovative

11、 1. WANTED: Young skinny, w__ fellows not over eighteen. (–thin but strong)
答案: wiry

12、 2. The Pony Express, nevertheless, has become s__ with the Old West. (–having the same, or nearly the same, meaning)
答案: synonymous

13、 3. By the 1840s the influx of p__ to the Northwest, and the flood of prospectors to California after 1848 had created an increasing demand for mail delivery to and from the East. (–the first people to go to a particular area in order to live and work there)
答案: pioneers

14、 4. Later this route was ultimately j__ by growing North-South tension. (–cause sth. to be harmed, lost or destroyed; put in danger)
答案: jeopardized

15、 5. They switched m__ every 10-12 miles. (–a horse that you ride on)
答案: mounts

16、 6. This relay system allowed mail to criss-cross the f__ in record time. (–the edge of land where people live and have built towns, beyond which the country is wild and unknown, especially in the western US in the 19th century)
答案: frontier

17、 7. It was just a group of c__ riders who had proven their loyalty again and again. (–willing to work hard and give your time and energy to sth)
答案: committed

18、 8. What caused the d__ of the Pony Express (–the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc.)
答案: demise

19、 9. Despite the failure, the founders’ ability to assemble and operate this remarkable service under especially challenging circumstances was a tribute to their courage and i__. (–the ability to invent things or solve problems in clever new ways)
答案: ingenuity

20、 10. In the game, a Pony Express rider controlled by the game player has to avoid obstacles and pick up letters in search of the e__ 100 percent rating. (–difficult to find, define, or achieve)
答案: elusive

作业Unit 2 快递 Assignment 2

1、 1.未来,能以合理的费用快速运送货物和提供服务的电商将占据优势。(have the edge)
评分规则: 1. In the future, e-businesses that can deliver the goods and services fast at a reasonable cost will have the edge.

2、 2.我们是一家专业提供当天送达服务的公司,在你下单的那一刻装载你的货物发往目的地。(specialize in)
评分规则: 2. We are a company that specializes in providing same-day delivery services, loading your goods and setting out for the destination the moment you place an order.

3、 3.商家应该通过教育消费者如何负责任地处理包装来支持回收利用。(dispose of)
评分规则: 3. Merchants should support recycling by educating consumers on how to dispose of the packaging responsibly.

4、 4.政府已经发布了一套标准去推动可持续的包装材料在物流行业的使用。(issue a set of standards)
评分规则: 4. The government has issued a set of standards to promote the use of sustainable packaging materials in the logistics industry.

5、 5.最后一英里的配送不仅占据整个运输成本的一大块,而且会从根本上影响客户的忠诚度。(make up a huge chunk of)
评分规则: 5. Last-mile delivery not only makes up a huge chunk of the total delivery cost, but also fundamentally affects customer loyalty.

Unit 2 快递 Test 2

1、 1. The mode of last-mile delivery, AHD, is always customers’ favorite one.

答案: 错误

2、 2. Not every order has to be delivered same-day or next-day; merchants should first focus on delivering dates that they can guarantee.

答案: 正确

3、 3. Building DCs or warehouses as close as possible to metropolitan zones with huge advantages of infrastructure is the most cost-effective site selection.

答案: 错误

4、 4. By focusing on last-mile delivery alternatives retailers are able to compete with giant shipping carriers.

答案: 错误

5、 5. Despite innovative solutions to last-mile delivery problem, all merchants face the undeniable challenge of offering speedy, accurate, transparent shipping processes for low or no cost.

答案: 正确

6、 6. The reason why most plastic packaging materials don’t get recycled is that many people don’t realize their side-effects.

答案: 错误

7、 7. In ancient times, only materials available in the nature were used to form packages.

答案: 错误

8、 8. Greening packaging should start from prevention, that is, packaging should be used only where needed.

答案: 正确

9、 9. Recovery means cleaning, repairing and reprocessing the packages into new products.

答案: 错误

10、 10. Steering toward green packaging in delivery service needs efforts on multiple fronts, governments, express delivery companies, packagers, retailers, consumers etc.

答案: 正确

11、 1. It is frequently defined as a kind of development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
答案: sustainable development

12、 2. It is one of the challenges operators of last-mile delivery need to face, keeping customers fully informed of the position of their orders whenever they need.
答案: real-time visibility

13、 3. Plastic packaging is made to be used only once. It is being replaced by more environment-friendly packaging.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)single-use plastic packaging;
disposable plastic packaging

14、 4. It refers to a kind of economy, in which materials are regenerated and constantly flow around a “closed loop” system, rather than being used a few times and then discarded.
答案: circular economy

15、 5. It is the last leg of your package’s trip before it comes to your doorsteps.
答案: last-mile delivery

16、 6. The term means we reduce, reuse and recycle all we can, and throw things away only as a last resort.
答案: zero waste

17、 7. Plastic packaging with additives can break down into microscopic particles through normal environmental processes.
答案: biodegradable plastic packaging

18、 8. It is a kind of economy which extracts resources, uses them only once or twice, and then throws them away.
答案: linear economy

19、 9. It can also be called a warehouse, which is stocked with goods from plants and suppliers to be delivered to retailers, to wholesalers, or directly to consumers.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)DC;
distribution center

20、 10. A type of vehicle can run along streets, obey traffic signs and park in the lot without a human driver.
答案: (以下答案任选其一都对)self-driving car;
self-driving vehicle;
autonomous vehicle;
unmanned vehicle

Unit 3 物流 Test 3

1、 1. In countries where a solar calendar was__ the length of each year needed to be modified in order to have the same number of months in each year.

答案: advancing

2、 2. They are determined to do their bit in__ the mechanization of agriculture.

答案: adopting

3、 3. To some extent the smaller the assembly, the more adaptable is its manufacture to__ techniques.

答案: automated

4、 4. The candidate’s__ with organized crime cost him the election.

答案: identification

5、 5. From the roof you can see the full__ of the parks.

答案: dimensions

6、 6. The__ of beating the opponent in therelaylookedpoor.

答案: prospect

7、 7. Cargo hold is in the the__ of the aircraft which normally has an average temperature of around seven degree Celsius.

答案: belly

8、 8. But for many reasons, the technology was not__ until more than 20 years later.

答案: available

9、 9. Since 1980s, people have studied how to improve the information__ of barcode symbol.

答案: density

10、 10. In the process of postal operation and modern logistics, the small sized barcode plays an important role in automatic processing in__ with computer system.

答案: cooperation

11、 1. We shoulde__ the thought of health first in schools physical education. (build, construct)
答案: erect

12、 2. However, seafood is a highlyp__ food item which is increasingly global traded so that a lot of particular conditions and difficulties more have to be taken into account compared to other food products. ( food that will decay rapidly)
答案: perishable

13、 3. Western development provides the historic opportunity for the deep exploitation of west tourism resource in ecological f__ area. (easily damaged or destroyed)
答案: fragile

14、 4. He’ll only wear clothes with a designer l__. (brand)
答案: label

15、 5. Some of these flood shelters are on raised p__, which have allowed government helicopters to land amid the continuing floods. (a flat raised structure or area, usually one which something can stand on or land on)
答案: platform

16、 6. Itsuggeststhem__ transportationplanningandmanagementtocombine organicallythemobilityandaccessibility. (a large or capital city)
答案: metropolitan

17、 7. Asah__ offinanceandcommunications,ParisisnowalmostequaltoLondon. (a large airport from which you can travel to many other airports)
答案: hub

18、 8. You can be paid in cash weekly or by check monthly which are the two a__. (options)
答案: alternatives

19、 9. Theseblackmodelsaremovinginonwhatwaspreviouslywhitet__:thelucrativecosmeticcontracts. (an area of knowledge or interest)
答案: territory

20、 10. The equipment is slow and heavy by modern s__. (level of quality)
答案: standards

作业Unit 3 物流 Assignment 3

1、 1.如果不准确填写报关表那么你的包裹可能会被海关扣下。
评分规则: 1. There is a possibility that your parcel will be held up by the custom if you don’t fill in the declaration form correctly.

2、 2.只有那些有资质的物流公司才能够运送特殊物品。
评分规则: 2. Only those certified logistic companies are eligible to deliver special materials.

3、 3.南京已经把建设“长江三角洲国际物流枢纽”作为未来物流业发展的方向之一。
评分规则: 3. Nanjing has been building “the internationallogistics hubin the Yangtze River Delta”, as one of the direction of the future logistics industry.

4、 4.当条形码被用于超市自动结账系统时,它在商业上取得了成功。
评分规则: 4. Barcodes became commercially successful when they were used to automate supermarket checkout systems.

5、 5.从食物到日用品,从衣服到书籍,条形码在我们的生活中随处可见。条形码彻底改变了全球商业。
评分规则: 5. From food to daily necessities, from clothes to books, barcodes can be seen everywhere in our lives. Barcodes revolutionized global business.

6、 6.企业管理中,条码技术是数据采集的有力手段。如企业的人事管理、物资管理、生产管理等。
评分规则: 6. Barcode technology is a powerful means of data collection in enterprise management, such as personnel management, material management, production management, etc.

作业Unit 4 电子商务 Assignment 4

1、 1.新任经理为这项工作带来了丰富的经验。(a wealth of)
评分规则: 1. The new manager brings a great wealth of experience to the job.

2、 2.我们已请邻居在我们离开时帮我们照看一下房子。(keep an eye on)
评分规则: 2. We’ve asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.

3、 3.有多少公司对建筑这座桥的合同投标?(bid on)
评分规则: 3. How many firms bid on the contract to build the bridge

4、 4.一名运动员中途退出赛跑。(drop out)
评分规则: 4. One of the runners has dropped out in the middle of the race.

5、 5.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。(lead to)
评分规则: 5. Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.

Unit 4 电子商务 Test 4

1、 1. inventory management:发明管理

答案: 错误

2、 2. biometric authentication:生物特征识别技术

答案: 正确

3、 3. augmented reality:虚拟现实

答案: 错误

4、 4. location-based services:基于位置的服务

答案: 正确

5、 5. bricks-and-mortar shop:网店

答案: 错误

6、 6. 企业对消费者的电子商务模式:Bussiness-to-Consumer (B2C)

答案: 正确

7、 7. 企业对政府的电子商务模式:Business-to-Government (B2G)

答案: 正确

8、 8. 顾客对顾客的电子商务模式:Business-to-Bussiness (B2B)

答案: 错误

9、 9. 第三方物流服务商:third party logistics party

答案: 正确

10、 10. 身份盗窃:personal theft

答案: 错误







中国大学mooc慕课 现代邮政英语(ENGLISH FOR MODERN POSTAL SERVICE)(南京邮电大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

中国大学mooc慕课 现代邮政英语(ENGLISH FOR MODERN POSTAL SERVICE)(南京邮电大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第2张





中国大学mooc慕课 现代邮政英语(ENGLISH FOR MODERN POSTAL SERVICE)(南京邮电大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第3张

