中国大学mooc慕课 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY(四川大学) 答案满分完整版章节测试


一、女性生殖系统解剖 Anatomy of the Female Reproductive System 女性生殖系统解剖Anatomy of the Female Reproductive Syst

1、 女性内生殖器不包括:

答案: 处女膜

2、 以下哪项不是固定子宫位置的韧带

答案: 宫颈膀胱韧带

3、 子宫动脉来自

答案: 髂内动脉

4、 1. Female internal genitalia does not include

答案: virginal membrane

5、 Which of the following is not a ligament that holds the uterus in place

答案: cervical bladder ligament

6、 What artery does the uterine artery come from?

答案: internal iliac artery

二、女性生殖系统生理 Physiology of the Female Reproductive System 女性生殖系统生理physiology of the Female Reproductiv

1、 月经周期为30天的妇女,其排卵日应在月经来潮后的

答案: 第16天

2、 与排卵无关的项目是

答案: 子宫内膜脱落

3、 可以导致女性基础体温上升的激素是

答案: 孕激素

4、 For a woman with a 30-day menstrual cycle, when should her ovulation day be after the onset of menstruation

答案: day 16

5、 Item not related to ovulation is

答案: Endometrial shedding

6、 Hormone that can cause a woman’s basal body temperature to rise is

答案: progesterone

三、妊娠生理、产前保健 Physiology of pregnancy, Prenatal care 妊娠生理、产前保健physiology of pregnancy, Prenatal care

1、 有关妊娠期母体生理性改变,下述哪项描述是正确的?

答案: 子宫肌收缩是预防产后出血的最有效机制

2、 妊娠期子宫的改变,哪项是错误的?

答案: 子宫胎盘的血供减少

3、 有关正常妊娠, 下列哪项是正确的?

答案: 如果女性月经周期比平均28天长,其预产期的计算也相应推后

4、 Which of the following statements is true about maternal physiological changes during pregnancy?

答案: Uterine muscle contractions are the most effective mechanism for preventing postpartum hemorrhage

5、 Changes in the uterus during pregnancy, which one is wrong?

答案: Decreased blood supply to the uteroplacenta

6、 Which of the following is true about a normal pregnancy?

答案: If a woman’s menstrual cycle is longer than the average of 28 days, the calculation of her due date is also postponed accordingly

四、正常分娩 Normal Labor & Delivery 正常分娩

1、 26岁妇女,孕38周,G2P1。因有规律宫缩入院,入院后检查胎心148次/分,宫口已开全,阴道检查,抬头矢状缝与骨盆横径一致,小囟门在3点,大囟门在9点。应诊断为何种胎方位

答案: LOT

2、 临产后起主要作用的产力是

答案: 子宫收缩力

3、 下列关于正常枕先露分娩机转顺序,正确的是

答案: 衔接—下降—俯屈—内旋转—仰伸—复位及外旋转

4、 A 26-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital with regular contractions at 38 weeks of gestation, G2P1. Upon admission, she was examined for fetal heart rate of 148 beats per minute, her uterine opening was complete, and on vaginal examination, the sagittal suture of the elevated head was consistent with the transverse pelvic diameter, with a small fontanelle at 3 o’clock and a large fontanelle at 9 o’clock. What kind of fetal orientation should be diagnosed?

答案: LOT

5、 What are the main forces of deliver after the onset of labor?

答案: Uterine contraction force

6、 Which of the following is the correct sequence of normal occipital delivery mechanisms

答案: Engagement – descent – flexion – internal rotation – extension – retroposition and external rotation

五、异常分娩 、多胎妊娠 Abnormal Labor&Delivery, Multiple pregnancy 异常分娩与多胎妊娠

1、 当骨盆出口横径小于200px时,应进一步测量:

答案: 出口后矢状径

2、 初产妇,40周妊娠规律宫缩18小时,查:宫口开大150px,宫缩20~30秒,间隔6~7分钟,2小时后复查,宫口仍开大150px,S-1,骨盆外测量正常范围,胎心率130~135次/分,规律。首选的处理措施是

答案: 缩宫素静脉点滴

3、 关于双胎妊娠,下述哪项是错误的

答案: 单卵双胎两个胎盘之间仅有两层羊膜

4、 When the transverse diameter of the pelvic outlet is less than 200cm, further measurements should be made:

答案: 出口后矢状径

5、 A primipara, 40 weeks of pregnancy, regular uterine contractions for 18 hours, check: cervix dilated 150px, uterine contractions 20-30 seconds, interval 6-7 minutes, reexamination after 2 hours, cervix still dilated 150px, S-1, extra-pelvic measurements in the normal range, fetal heart rate 130-135 beats per minute, regular. Preferred management measur is:

答案: Oxytocin intravenous drip

6、 Which of the following is false about twin pregnancy

答案: Its occurrence is related to genetic factors

六、妊娠合并心脏病 糖尿病 Pregnancy complicating heart diseases, diabetes mellitus 妊娠合并心脏病、糖尿病

1、 有心脏病的孕妇容易并发心衰的时期为

答案: 孕32~34周

2、 属于心脏病孕妇于分娩期血流动力学变化的项目,错误的是

答案: A. 第一产程宫缩使周围循环阻力增加,全身血容量减少

3、 孕妇如存在糖尿病高危因素,糖筛查应在

答案: 24~28周

4、 When are pregnant women with heart disease prone to heart failure

答案: week 32-34

5、 Hemodynamic changes during labor in pregnant women with heart disease, which one is wrong

答案: First stage uterine contractions increase peripheral circulatory resistance and reduce systemic blood volume

6、 When pregnant women with diabetes risk factors should be screened for diabetes

答案: week 24~28







中国大学mooc慕课 OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY(四川大学)  答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

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