飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试


1. 课程简介及基本概念 (Introduction and Basic Concepts) Test 1

1、 某飞机纵向受扰动后的迎角响应如下图所示,该飞机纵向静           ,动          。The AOA response of an aircraft after being disturbed is given below. The airplane is statically          , and dynamically         .飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第1张

答案: 稳定,不稳定stable, unstable

2、 如果一架飞机某个试飞科目的Cooper-Harper等级评分为4.5, 则该飞机该科目的飞行品质应为几级?If the average Cooper-Harper rating of an aircraft is 4.5, the flying quality of this aircraft is         .

答案: 二级level II

3、 目前我国采用的是国际坐标系,又称欧美坐标系,x由重心指向机头,y由重心指向右,根据右手定律,z轴朝下。在上世纪我国曾经采用过前苏联的坐标系,该坐标系x轴由重心指向机头,y轴由重心指向上,那么根据右手定律,z轴是由重心指向         。At present, China adopts the international coordinate system, where x-axis points from CG to the nose, and y-axis points from CG to the right. According to the right-hand system, the z-axis points downward.In the last century, China used the USSR coordinate system. The x-axis points from CG to the nose, and y-axis points upward. According to the right-hand system, the z-axis points                .

答案: 右to the right

4、 按照本课程的符号定义习惯(国际坐标系),绕x轴向右滚转为         ,绕z轴向左偏航为          。According to the sign convention in this course (international coordinate system), roll to the right about the x-axis is           , and yaw to the left about the z-axis is             .

答案: 正,负positive, negative

5、 如果垂尾上作用有负侧力,则该侧力会产生      偏航力矩.If the side force acting on the rudder is negative, this side force will generate a             yawing moment.

答案: 右right

6、 如果平尾上作用有正升力,则该平尾升力会产生          俯仰力矩.If the lift acting on the horizontal tail is positive, this tail lift will generate a              pitching moment.

答案: 低头nose-down 

7、 对飞行品质要求最高的是哪个飞行阶段?Which category of flight phases has the highest flying quality requirement? 

答案: A种Category A

8、 下列飞机中,属于IV类飞机的有哪些?Which of the following aircraft belong to class IV?

答案: J-10;

9、 下列飞行阶段中,属于A种飞行阶段的有Which flight phases belong to Category A?

答案: 空对空战Air-to-Air Combat;
武器投放Weapon delivery

10、 飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张是两个相同的系数.飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第2张 and 飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第3张 are the same coefficient.

答案: 错误

11、 B种飞行阶段对飞行品质的要求最低。Category B has the lowest requirement on flying quality.

答案: 正确

12、 空中加油属于A种飞行阶段。In-flight refuel is a CAT A flight phase.

答案: 错误

2. 纵向静稳定性 (Longitudinal Static Stability) Test 2

1、 平尾对纵向静稳定性的影响与以下哪个因素无关?Which of the following factors is not related to the tail contribution on longitudinal static stability.

答案: 平尾安装角setting angle of the horizontal tail

2、 机翼对纵向静稳定性的贡献取决于重心位置,重心前移,纵向静稳定性将        。Wing contribution on longitudinal static stability depends on CG location, CG moves forward, the stability            .

答案: 提高increases

3、 绝大部分机翼采用的都是正弯度翼型,其零升俯仰力矩系数         。Most of the wings use positively cambered airfoil, the zero-lift pitching moment is           .

答案: <0negative

4、 平尾会提高飞机的纵向静稳定性,鸭翼会         飞机的纵向静稳定性。Horizontal tails increase the longitudinal stability, while canards            the longtitudinal stability.

答案: 降低decrease

5、 螺旋桨式发动机的滑流对以下哪个参数没有影响?Which of the following parameters is not affected by the propeller slipstream?

答案: 发动机功率engine power

6、 在给定飞行状态下,飞机的纵向静稳定性与以下哪些参数有关?For a given flight condition, which of the following parameters are related to the longitudinal static stability?

答案: 平尾尾容比Tail volume ratio;
重心位置CG location;
下洗角Downwash angle;
平尾动压比Tail dynamic pressure ratio

7、 发动机产生的俯仰力矩与哪些因素相关?Which of the following parameters are related to the pitching moment generated by the engine?

答案: 发动机类型    Engine type;
发动机安装角Engine setting angle;
发动机推力Engine thrust;
发动机安装位置Engine position

8、 机翼对纵向静稳定性起的是增稳作用。The wing has a stabilizing effect on longitudinal static stability.

答案: 错误
The wing contribution depends on the relative positions of CG and wing aerodynamic center. If CG is ahead of ac, the wing contribution is stabilizing. While if CG is aft of ac, the wing contribution is destabilizing.

9、 中性点是飞机纵向中立稳定对应的重心位置.Neutral point is the CG location where the aircraft is neutrally stable.

答案: 正确

10、 某飞机的Cm~CL曲线如下图所示,该飞机纵向静稳定The Cm~CL curve of an aircraft is given below, and the aircraft is longitudinal statically stable.飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第6张

答案: 正确

11、 机翼对纵向静稳定性的贡献取决于重心位置,重心前移,纵向静稳定性将        。Wing contribution on longitudinal static stability depends on CG location, CG moves forward, the stability         .

答案: 提高increases

12、 绝大部分机翼采用的都是正弯度翼型,其零升俯仰力矩系数         。Most of the wings use positively cambered airfoil, the zero-lift pitching moment is           .

答案: <0negative

13、 平尾会提高飞机的纵向静稳定性,鸭翼会         飞机的纵向静稳定性。Horizontal tails increase the longitudinal stability, while canards            the longtitudinal stability.

答案: 降低decrease

14、 在给定飞行状态下,飞机的纵向静稳定性与以下哪些参数有关?(多)For a given flight condition, which of the following parameters are related to the longitudinal static stability?

答案: 平尾尾容比Tail volume ratio;
重心位置CG location;
下洗角Downwash angle;
平尾动压比Tail dynamic pressure ratio

15、 发动机产生的俯仰力矩与哪些因素相关?Which of the following parameters are related to the pitching moment generated by the engine?

答案: 发动机类型    Engine type;
发动机安装角Engine setting angle;
发动机推力Engine thrust;
发动机安装位置Engine position

16、 机翼对纵向静稳定性起的是增稳作用。The wing has a stabilizing effect on longitudinal static stability. 

答案: 错误

17、 某飞机的Cm~CL曲线如下图所示,该飞机纵向静稳定The Cm~CL curve of an aircraft is given below, and the aircraft is longitudinal statically stable.飞行器稳定性与操纵性(英)(西北工业大学) 中国大学mooc答案满分完整版章节测试第7张

答案: 正确


3. 纵向操纵 (Longitudinal Control) Test 3

1、 对于同一架飞机,升降舵效率提高,其重心前限会         。For a given aircraft, if the control effectiveness of elevator increases, the most forward CG location will            .

答案: 前移move forward

2、 对于静稳定飞机,随着升力系数的增加,为平衡飞机,升降舵需        For a stable aircraft, as CL increases, in order to balance the aircraft, the elevator should                .

答案: 上偏deflect upward

3、 某纵向静稳定飞机存在跨音速勺型区现象,则该飞机在从亚音速加速至超音速过程中,飞行员应如何操纵驾驶杆?There is a Mach tuck phenomenon for a longitudinal statically stable aircraft. How should the pilot control the stick when the aircraft accelerates from subsonic to supersonic?

答案: 先推杆、再拉杆、再推杆Push, then pull, then push again.

4、 在地面效应作用下,平尾的效率会         The control effectiveness of elevator will               under the ground effect.

答案: 提高increase

5、 舰载机在起飞离舰瞬间,其升力会              。When carrier-based aircraft take off from a carrier, its lift will                    .

答案: 突然下降decrease suddenly

6、 对于地面效应,以下哪些说法是对的?About ground effect, Which of the following statements are true?

答案: 机翼升力线斜率增加Wing lift-curve slope increases.;
平尾升力线斜率增加Tail lift-curve slope increases.;
飞机重心前限后移Most forward CG location moves aftward.

7、 对于既无平尾也无鸭翼的飞机,以下哪些是有效的俯仰操纵方式?For an aircraft with neither horizontal tail nor canard, which of the following are effective pitch control methods?

答案: 升降副翼elevon;
推力矢量thrust vectoring

8、 以下哪些气动补偿方式是通过调节压心与铰链轴距离来降低铰链力矩的?Which of the following aerodynamic balancing methods reduce hinge moment by adjusting the distance between cp and the hingeline?

答案: 轴式补偿set-back hingeline;
角式补偿horn balance;
内补偿internal balance

9、 在不考虑空气压缩性的前提下,纵向静不稳定飞机在亚音速状态下加速时,飞行员需要拉杆.For a longitudinal statically unstable aircraft, without considering the air compressibility, the pilot needs to pull the stick to accelerate at subsonic condition.

答案: 正确

10、 地面效应会使飞机升力增加Ground effect will increase the lift of the aircraft

答案: 正确

11、 为降低操纵力,调整片的偏转方向应与操纵面相同In order to reduce control force, tab should deflect to the same direction with control surface.

答案: 错误

12、 对于同一架飞机,升降舵效率提高,其重心前限会         。For a given aircraft, if the control effectiveness of elevator increases, the most forward CG location will            .

答案: 前移move forward

13、 对于静稳定飞机,随着升力系数的增加,为平衡飞机,升降舵需        。For a stable aircraft, as CL increases, in order to balance the aircraft, the elevator should                .

答案: 上偏deflect upward

14、 某纵向静稳定飞机存在跨音速勺型区现象,则该飞机在从亚音速加速至超音速过程中,飞行员应如何操纵驾驶杆?There is a Mach tuck phenomenon for a longitudinal static stable aircraft. How should the pilot control the stick when the aircraft accelerates from subsonic to supersonic?

答案: 先推杆、再拉杆、再推杆Push first, then pull, then push again

15、 在地面效应作用下,平尾的效率会         。The control effectiveness of elevator will               under the ground effect.

答案: 提高increase

16、 舰载机在起飞离舰瞬间,其升力会              。 When carrier-based aircraft take off from a carrier, its lift will                  .

答案: 突然下降decrease suddenly

17、 对于地面效应,以下哪些说法是对的?About ground effect, Which of the following statements are true?

答案: 机翼升力线斜率增加Wing lift-curve slope increases;
平尾升力线斜率增加Tail lift-curve slope increases;
重心前限后移Most forward CG location moves aftward

18、 对于无平尾无鸭翼的飞机,以下哪些是比较实用的俯仰操纵方式?For an aircraft without horizontal tail and canard, which of the following are practical pitch control methods?

答案: 升降副翼elevon;
推力矢量thrust vectoring

19、 在不考虑空气压缩性的前提下,纵向静不稳定飞机加速时,飞行员需要拉杆。For a longitudinal statically unstable aircraft, without considering the air compressibility, the pilot needs to pull the stick to accelerate.

答案: 正确

20、 地面效应会使飞机升力增加。Ground effect will increase the lift of the aircraft.

答案: 正确





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